So it seems I just plain and simply forgot to post yesterday. I got carried away with the long weekend and getting some of the projects around the house done, including one big one that has been taking like forever.
I am so relieved to tell you that we have FINALLY finished our bedroom makeover. This makeover has been done bit by bit and has been a lot slower to do than my impatient little soul would have liked, but it was only because I have been pathetically time poor AND have a habit of having to many things on the go at any one time. My fault, my bad habits.
We (and when I say we I really mean I and my poor obliging husband) wanted to achieve an eclectic look. Warmth, romance and simplicity. Quite the combo huh! The toughest part was choosing the colours. Obviously white was my base and then we went with the chocolate brown wall and touches of burnt orange. Then it just kind of flowed from there....somehow kinda miraculously.
I have showed you bits and pieces as I have worked on them, like the romantic heart garland and my husband's vintage childhood quilt. And yes I do realise he will be majorly peeved at me for using Vintage and husband in the same sentence. But anyway this is everything together .... finally. Sorry about the zillion photos, but I got a little excited that it is finished.
Oh and I totally forgot to take a before photo. *Head Smack* I know, that is like a major decoraters sin isn't it. But I did manage to find this photo of the room from when we bought the house.
The gorgeous Decals were from a fabulous Life Love and Hiccups Sponsor - Urban Walls. The beautiful Danielle who is the very talented lady behind Urban Walls was kind enough to send me these flower patterns for our bedroom makeover (THANKYOU again so much Danielle).
We wanted to achieve the look of wallpaper without the hassle, so decals were the ideal way to go. We can remove them if we ever want to change the look and they were relatively easy to put on in just under 2
We used 16 of the decals on our wall. They come in a set of 8 for $45, so the total cost would be $90 bucks. Such a bargain compared to the cost of wallpaper. You can check out the flower design here along with all of the other gorgeous decals in the Urban Walls store.
OK so here it is at long last, the completed bedroom makeover.
So what do you think? Do you likey?
Are you into DIY or in our case DIO (Do it ourselves)?
Thank you to my beautiful hubby for his patience with me yet again :)