A Guest Post From My Son Sam - AND His Writing Debut | Life Love and Hiccups: A Guest Post From My Son Sam - AND His Writing Debut
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Wednesday 15 May 2013

A Guest Post From My Son Sam - AND His Writing Debut

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2 of my boys have a real love of writing which as you can imagine totally warms my heart.

Kai (11) and Sam (8) often ask me if they can have their own blogs. They think it would be all "like really cool or something" and that someone is going to want to send them to Disneyland to write an exposition on whether it be compulsory that all kids should go to Disneyland. (yes they really discussed that).

I said - Keep dreaming sunshine!

Sammy in particular love writing stories, so when he wrote me a book for Mother's Day, I just swooned. You know the real teary comehereandgivemeabigsquishycuddle kind of swoon?

Yep that one.

And then he asked me if his story was good enough to go on my blog?

Kiddo - it is good enough to go on ANY blog was my enthusiastic response.

Although I can't help but question whether there is a bit of an underlying message in his storyline in that Mum loses her voice.

Again keep dreaming sunshine!

So here making his writing debut is my little Sammy, complete with spelling mistakes and all cause spelling mistakes from a kid are so damn cute right?

So the question that Sam wants to ask you guys is 
"what Should Mum sing the Mayor for his Birthday?"

Now be kind to me - I cant hit any high notes.