Yep my WHOLE weekend was spent painting the entry - because yo, that's what kind of party animal I am these days.
Actually, it was probably a really good thing that I was tucked away painting all weekend because it is that time of the month which means I am nothing less than a total cranky cow and would probably have stabbed someone in the eye with my paint brush had they looked sideways at me.
My sensible and safety conscious husband kept me hydrated with G&Ts and then stayed well clear of me - as did the kids.
Bless them.
They are keepers.
I'm afraid to say today wasn't much better really. I'm on day three of cranky cow syndrome which means I am still highly emotional and easily offended by everything and anything. It also means I have less than 6 hours now to snap out of it because there is time limits on cranky cow syndrome and generally one is not allowed more than three days in a month.
So what dumb ass CHOOSES to go to an accountant on a Monday morning when they are on day 3 of cranky cow syndrome?
Me. Clearly.
The saving grace was I came home to a quiet house, courtesy of the kids being back at school and so the remainder of the morning was spent foofing around the house, de school holidaying and restoring some order.
There may have also been a little furniture rearranging thrown in for good measure because nothing beats the crabby monthly blues than hauling furniture around the house to create new little nooks to sit in.
Let's just go with is because - ummm do you really want to argue the fact with a cranky cow?
Besides, it's gotta be considered therapeutical... in some kind of weird warped way.
Do you suffer from cranky cow syndrome?
What's your cure for beating the crabbiness?