Monday 31 October 2016


Brought to you by Nuffnang and The Movember Foundation

Did you know that in Australia, our men die on average around four years younger than us women?

Did you know that in Australia, suicide is the leading cause of death in men aged 15 - 44 years and on average, six of our men will take their own life… every… single… day?

Did you also know that prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in our Aussie men and that more than 3,300 husbands, dads, sons, brothers and friends will die of prostate cancer this year alone? Testicular cancer comes in second in men aged 18 – 39, and 36 years old is the average age that a man is diagnosed with testicular cancer.


Very sobering facts, huh?!

My grandfather died of testicular cancer, one of my past bosses died of prostate cancer and I have tragically lost far too many friends and acquaintances to suicide over the years, so I don’t need to tell you that as a mother of three sons who are my entire world and as a woman who is madly deeply in love with my husband and cannot stand the idea of living a single day without him, this information scares the crap out of me.

Our men’s health is in trouble you guys and it isn’t talked about enough. Everyday we lose too many of our men, far too young and for reasons that can be prevented.

The Movember Foundation is totally dedicated to focusing on men’s health and together with the millions of people who have joined the movement since 2003, it has raised over $770 million dollars for the funding of more than 1,200 individual projects that are focused on prostate cancer, testicular cancer and suicide prevention.

By 2030 they aim to halve the number of deaths from prostate cancer and testicular cancer, reduce the number of men taking their own lives by 25% and reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25%… but they really need the help of us women to make this happen.

Most of us have probably sponsored a Mo or two over the years, and by all means… please keep doing so. This year however, we can really up the anti by actually participating in MOVEMBER ourselves and by doing so we are looking out for us as well as our men by getting active and raising money for the Movember Foundation.

Set yourself a Move Challenge; it can be anything from going for a hike, riding your bike everyday for a month, playing a new sport or learning to surf, maybe get some friends to join you and dress up in some ridiculous costumes and join an aerobics class, then head over to to sign up. Then it’s a matter of asking your family and friends to donate to your Move campaign and BOOM you will be raising valuable funding for men’s health and helping to keep our beloved men around for as long as we possibly can.

Throughout the month of November, I plan on only using my car to travel long distances and to take urgent trips… as for everywhere else I go? Well, its gonna be all about the pedal power baby!

So are you in?
Are you ready to join in with the MOVEMBER movement for men’s health ?