Monday, Monday, Monday - why must you always come around so fast?
No joke, it's kinda like Friday arrives and we are all "yayyyyy - it's the best day of the week, let's celebrate", and then we all start dancing and before we get to the end of the song BOOM... Monday sticks its head up and jealously announces "sucked in, I'm here now" to which we all eye roll and bail the party like someone just dropped a fart bomb the size of China...
Or something like that.
Thanks heavens that awful heat wave has left us here in Sydney for a while.
I just don't know that I could have coped with another day of that insane heat but my thoughts are very much with those who are still battling the combo of heat and fires and then the extreme opposite - the flooding in WA.
We live in a crazy country right?!
How have you been coping with the heat / rain? Are you stir crazy yet?
I got by with the help of the air con in the car (yes I totally
Holy bat balls have you tasted those things?
Last week, Tim Tams organised for Jayde and I and some others to be picked up by some fancy pants cars and driven to a mystery destination.
Whilst we were tempted to shove our passports in our bags in the hope of being whisked off to somewhere, anywhere that was cooler than we were, we weren't disappointed when we arrived at the Messina Gelato HQ in Rosebery because HELLO GELATO!! Hello COLD gelato!!
So it seems that Tim Tam Biscuits and Messina Gelato have gone and hooked up and had themselves a love child.... or more like a whole gang of love children in the form of the most amazing gelato inspired Tim Tams including; Choc Mint, Salted Caramel & Vanilla, Coconut & Lychee and Black Forest.
To celebrate - we spent the night eating Tim Tams and Gelato, Drinking Tim Tam and Gelato, Making Tim Tams, and more eating of Tim Tam and Gelato inspired desserts.
Deadset you guys, they are SO good and after devouring basically a whole pack of Coconut & Lychee and Choc Mint I would consider myself well and truly qualified to say so.
In other news, I am so beyond happy to tell you that three weeks in now and Flynn is officially loving his new school. Strike up the band *inset double cartwheel fist bump here* I can breathe again.
We are soooo beyond stoked that he has settled in, and relived as I have spent quite a few nail biting nights questioning whether we did the right thing, but seeing him so happy now, well that makes us so happy too.
Speaking of happy things - a very special little four year old friend of ours who just so happens to be like the most happy little human on earth, is doing something very very awesome...
That little cutie up there is Minty - Jayde and Steve's daughter (Little Paper Lane) and not only does this little bubble of sunshine plan on marrying my middle son, she also loves to draw and make people happy. In fact she wants EVERYONE in the world to be happy.
Her heart is HUGE for such a little human and so Jayde and Steve have turned her drawing of a heart into a gift card and 100% of the proceeds of Minty's Heart Card go to Rafiki Mwema - an amazing charity founded by Anne-Marie & John Tipper and Sarah Rosborg that supports children in Africa who have been abused.
It would be awesome if you could support Minty's dream of making a difference. Go with your heart and buy a heart card here.
Ok enough of my rambling for the day - I need to get dinner served up so that I can sit down and watch Married at First Sight.
I know, I know, totally trashy train wreck TV.
Deliciously mind numbing trashy train wreck TV and I love it.
What have you been up to? Any news?
What trashy Tv shows have you hooked at the moment?