15 Minutes to Sanity (& an Invite to video tour Carnage in my Home) | Life Love and Hiccups: 15 Minutes to Sanity (& an Invite to video tour Carnage in my Home)
Life Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and Hiccups

Wednesday 18 December 2013

15 Minutes to Sanity (& an Invite to video tour Carnage in my Home)

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I dream about one day owning a home as white and clean and ... white as the gorgeous houses above. But but as you will see in the video of my home down lower in this post, dark furniture is my friend or at least whilst I am attempting to house train 3 young boys.

Being an anal retentive neat freak, the whole white and uncluttered look brings such a sense of calm to my soul. No seriously I am not exaggerating - my soul literally throws it's head back, raises arms to the air and sings an operatic "ahhhhhHHHHHhhhhhHHHHHH" when it cops and eyeful of homes like the ones in those pics.

Just ask my family how stressed I get when the house is in chaos and they will tell you that I get all twitchy and weird.

I've told you before about how I cannot sit down and relax or at least pretend to relax with a magazine unless some sort of order reigns on at the least the lower level of the house. Upstairs? Meh out of sight out of mind and all that.

The carnage that 3 boys, 2 dogs and a husband can create in a house within half an hour of getting home from work and school is freaking unbelievable. No bull, it's a gift they have and it makes me shudder and get all cold and clammy just thinking about it.

So I have developed this thing called the 15 minute clean routine because YES I am THAT much of an obsessive nut job, and if it were possible to trademark such a thing I would probably call it the '15 Minutes to Sanity' something or other.

It basically involves me running around like a mad woman for 15 minutes at eleventy million miles an hour.

But there is method to my madness.

No really.

Have a look for yourself at the carnage my kids create when they get home from school, and admire my awesome stealth like Ninja cleaning routine. Oh and make sure you keep an eye out for my moronic dogs, one of whom sneezes and smacks his head against the wall and the other who does some weird random flip thing.

You'll see why they fit in so well with this family.

See, now you're nodding your head whilst muttering to yourself "Man that chick has got it going on!". Either that of you have just confirmed to yourself that yes, that Life Love and Hiccups blogger is indeed as much of a nut job as you suspected.


You do what works for you and for me, well I like to take as many shortcuts as I can to get the job done as quickly and painlessly as possible. Buckets to collect junk that's lying around, an egg timer to keep me on track, child labour (jokes...kinda) and the Dettol Floor Cleaning System I have been road-testing. Man I could kiss that contraption. Anythings that allows me to quickly clean up the dirt, food, drink and Lord knows what that my human and fur family members insist on coating our floor in .... well, I wanna marry it.

Not really. But I do love it.

The Dettol Floor Cleaning System Starter Kit and Refill Floor Wipes are available in all well stocked supermarkets.

*always read the label and use only as directed*

What's your Ninja cleaning secret?

image credits: (clockwise from top left) 1. analogdialog, 2. Norsk Drom, 3. Stylizimo, 4. Decordots