Monday 19 September 2011

Free Weekly Dinner Planner

I have posted this Weekly Meal Planner in a pdf file after quite a few of my friends have seen it stuck up on our fridge at home and asked for a copy. This is a sneaky way to make sure they are checking out my blog :) You want it? Come and get it!

I do not break our planner up into breakfast, lunch and dinner because we really only worry about planning dinner at our house. 

As I mentioned before the planner is stuck up on our fridge. The shopping list is very very handy - we write things on the list as we run out of them as well as any ingredients needed for next week's meal plan.

Since I shop on a Saturday (actually I don't restrict shopping to just Saturdays :) but grocery shopping anyway), I normally sit down with a cuppa Saturday morning and plan out the coming week's menu. I include any new recipes I want to try out, special requests from the kids, as well as quick and easy meals for those nights the kids have soccer, swimming or after school activities. I then add any household items, lunch meats, kids snack etc we need to my shopping list and hit the shops.Grocery shopping is so much quicker when you know what you need. I can get in and out super fast and get home to enjoy time with the family.

Having a shopping list for planned purchases has also saved us tons of money, as I really only buy what we need for the week. We used to throw out so much food that had gone off or expired. Now we have less wastage and big savings.

I am very lucky as in my household, my hubby cooks during the week. This planner has made it easy for him to do a quick check in the morning and get out any meats that need defrosting for that night's meal. 

I must also add that it stops the endless nagging from the kids - "what's for dinner mum?"

So feel free to download and Bon Appettit.

The above posters can be bought at Etsy - Buy Now


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