Thursday 10 November 2011

Thankful for My habit of Shopping & Stashing

I have a bit if a sneaky habit of buying things and then stashing them away before my hubby sees them and starts the Spanish inquisition. I'm sure you know the drill - "How much did it cost?", "Did you really need to buy 2 of them?" and "Don't you already have that in another colour?"

Today I had a surprise that I can almost liken to spotting a Tiffany's box hidden under the Christmas tree moment. Kind of....Almost.... Actually not even close. But it was a lovely surprise all the same.

You see I bought this little basket a few weeks ago along with *ahem* a few other things too, and in a mad rush to hide my frivoulus spending shopping, I chucked my day's loot in the new basket and shoved it into the bottom of the study cupboard. To be honest, I then completely forgot all about it.

Well you can only imagine my delight today when looking for a mundane ink cartridge, I FOUND that basket and all it's hidden treasure. I had completely forgotten what I had purchased, so it was kind of like Christmas after all.

Do you wanna see what lovelies I had hidden away?

Meh! Pointless question because I am totally going to show you anyway.

In this squirreled away treasure chest there was hidden;
1 fabulous summer dress
1 sparkly blue singlet top
2 bottles of quick dry nail polish (yes dear hubby - 2 of the same colour)
3 pack of Swisspers face wipes
A Diva necklace
A bottle of self tanning lotion
and A Deck the Halls and Jingle All the Way double DVD pack for the kids.

Seriously how good is that! It is very similar to finding a $50 note scrunched up in a coat pocket.
Not that that has ever actually happened to me, but I am sure it would be brilliant.

So today I am Thankful for my habit of hiding things I buy, and I am Super Dooper Thankful that I found this fabulous stash.

Do you hide your shopping purchases? (please tell me I am not the only deviout)
If so, where do you hide them?
(You can check back here at a later date in case you forget where you stashed them)

Linking up with Kate Says Stuff for Thankful Thursdays ,


  1. That is awesome!!! I sometimes hide a $50 and try to forget about it, occasionally I even succeed and it's an ace surprise lol.

    And you've reminded me that I totally stashed some Cadbury Mousse chocolate in the back of the fridge this morning, yay!!

  2. Okay here's the thing to all hubby's, we must buy two of everything because if we buy one and then run out and go back the item has been discontinued and that makes us very unhappy and nobody wants that because it then becomes your fault somehow. (just incase my hubby reads my comments)


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