Wednesday 18 January 2012

A not so Wordless Wednesday, My Fabulous Day with The Nutshells!

I love it when you finally get to meet up with someone you have been chatting to for some time and never actually met in the flesh. It was a fabulous day yesterday when I got together with the gorgeous and "So Special" Gemma from My Big Nutshell and her precious little pecans.

Our kids had a ball playing together whilst we gabbled, laughed, drank wine, gabbled some more, swam, drank a little more wine, ..... ok ok you get the gist and I know this is supposed to be wordless.

Here are some pics of us being (or at least thinking we were) oh so fabulous you do of course after a few wines..... in the sun..... ahhh yeah nuff said!  :)


That was my pathetic attempt at a fabulous pose instead I'm just all Pucker lips!

And yes in case you were wondering- Gemma was every bit as hilarious and wonderful as I imagined she would be.

Unfortuantely after Gemma left - I kept drinking wine, which meant I couldnt be assed cooking dinner, which meant KEBABS for everyone!

There is a moral to this not so wordless picture story....... and that is don't eat a kebab after a day of fun in the sun with wine. And certainly don't eat a kebab dripping with chilli sauce in a white dress.

I'll leave you with those wise words and this image whilst I go and find the trusty old bleach and bucket.

Linking up for Wordless Wednesday with