Monday 5 March 2012

A Wonderful Weekend full of .... Stuff!

The rain has been astounding this past week and has truly been the icing on the cake as far as pitiful summers go. With 78% of NSW flooded, my goes out to those who have been evacuated and I hope this week brings some respite from the rain for you.

This past week the kids have been gong crazy with cabin fever and this Saturday as we woke to more rain, it was no different. There was the usual dragging out of bed for Saturday morning sports arguments, tantrums, major meltdowns, whinging about digging through clothes baskets for something to wear, tears, whining and exclamations of I'm bored..... and that was just me.

When the sun came out on Sunday we were happy little campers and headed outdoors to soak it up.

The photos below are actually of our time at Balmoral Beach last weekend. Today was all about Sushi in the park and blowing up bicarb volcanoes for a school science project - very cool stuff.

Tonight when the rain returned we showed it we didn't care, by running up a massive gas bill as we cranked the pool heating up to 41 degrees and splashed around in the rain. We were pretending that Summer isn't really over and we were somewhere in the Bahamas with not a single item of dirty washing, homework, work or crappy weather in site.

Farewell Summer you lazy non reliable wagger!

So what did you get up to this weekend?
Do you constantly move furniture and decor items around the house when you get bored with a look? (Please tell me you do as I assured my hubby this was indeed normal behaviour).

Every Monday the link opens and I would love you to share what you got up to on the weekend. Did you do something special or go somewhere? 
Perhaps you cooked up a storm or got all crafty and clever on me. 
Whatever it is share it with us and inspire us all. 
The link is open until next Friday so you can take your time and link up any time this week.