Wednesday 13 June 2012

Temporarily Out Of Order!

I am feeling more than a bit under the weather, bogged down with germs and out for the count. I can't say I am surprised really as it has been a crazy few months of work, long days trying to fit everything and probably way too much in. Sometimes life has a way of giving you a very clear message that you need to stop and rest your weary body.

In my case, the message has come via razor blades in my throat, a throbbing head and bones and a good old fashioned fever - blah blah blah. I'm sure those bugs got to me via the kids, you know - sloppy kisses from snuffly little faces and nights spent cuddling and comforting little ones who cant help but cough in your face.

So I am not going to hand around here and completely bore you with some half hearted dribble. Nope I am putting myself to bed and taking a couple of days to rest my head and nurse myself back to health.

Before I go though, I did want to use this post to invite you guys to let me know who you are, come out of the shadows and let me get to know you too. I love that the numbers show that more and more of you are visiting my blog each day, but I hate not knowing who you are.

Unfortunately the commenting system I use doesn't link back to your sites unless you too have a disqus commenting account, so I would be thrilled if you shared with me who you are and if you have a site of your own, what's the link so I can visit you too. I know many of you don't have blogs yourself so if that is the case I'd just love to hear about you and anything you would like to share with me. Tell me about yourself or tell me what you would like to see more of around here - whatever it is, I would love to hear it.... pretty please!

Finally just a heads up I have some exciting giveaways coming up so be sure to check back in this weekend as it will be a weekend of giveaway competitions for you to enter. What's the celebration? You! Cause you guys are awesome and you totally deserve it!

So that's it from me for a few days. I have a date with a pillow and a pack of Panadol and I'm Temporarily out of Order, but please please please brighten my day and leave me a comment and tell me a bit about yourself.

xxx Sonia