Tuesday 7 August 2012

How To Use PicMonkey to Make Pictures, Labels and Logos

I think I have an addiction. Yeah OK go ahead and laugh if you must. I know I have many an addiction like shopping, Facebook, Vodka, shopping, Organising, Vodka ...... did I mention Shopping?

No seriously though, PicMonkey! Where the hell have you been all my life?

I love this program, like love LOVE wanna marry it kinda of love this program and I just cant stop playing around with it.

At the moment it is free, but no doubt we will end up having to pay for some of the features sooner or later, but for now you can create till your freebie adoring heart's content.

Alright so we know you can use PicMonkey for editing your photos and such, but did you know you can use it for making labels, logos and pictures and all sorts of other fabulous STUFF?

I'm gonna try and give you a quick run down. I'm not the best teacher OK and if you ask my hubby he will tell you I have the patience of a pea when its comes to explaining things, but I'll give it my best go and please feel free to ask any questions in the comments if I have left you wondering about something.

You can also just click on any of the photos below if you need to see them in a larger size.

Righty O - First things first you need to create a plain background that you can use to edit just like you would a photo.

I make mine in Paint Shop in Microsoft but you could pretty much use any program that allows you to create a png file.

To start - open a new file and select the pixel size you want. I generally start with 699 x 484 and then play around from there.

 Next save your blank picture as a png file. Save it as something easy you will find later like PicMonkey Background.png

Now it is as simple as going into PicMonkey and uploading your blank png like you would a normal photo.

OK then, you now have the background on which you can get creative and start playing around and using all the various functions.

Below is a table that gives you a quick run down of what the different functions are, but you pretty much just have to get in there and play to really discover for yourself what they can do.

Let's go back to making a picture or a label or whatever. 

You can start by creating a back ground colour.

To do this choose the rectangle shape and insert. Then stretch it to fill your background.

You can change the colour by clicking anywhere on the little colour chart you see over to the right and by sliding the fade button you can make your colour darker or lighter or transparent if it is over the top of another shape.

You can layer as many shapes as you want, like I have done below.

How about adding some text to your picture? You have heaps of fonts to choose from and you can adjust the size of your text too.

Finally don't forget to save your file as a different name so you don't overwrite your original blank background image.

Now you can just go crazy creating your own pictures, blog buttons, logos and labels etc. Save them as a png file and you can insert them into any document or save them to a photo sharing site like Photobucket to create coding for a blog button.

All of these pictures below were made with PicMonkey. Just go and have a play - but consider yourself warned, you will be hooked!
Have you become addicted to PicMonkey yet?
Any other fabulous programs I should be addicted to?
So how did I Go - Did I suck and did any of my tutorial make any sense at all?