Monday 26 November 2012

Twilight At The Beach - The Weekend That Was

Even though I was born and bred here and have lived here ever since, I never tire of the beauty that exists on Sydney's Northern Beaches.

We are blessed, truly blessed.

The gorgeous beaches where you can run your children ragged until they are begging for you to take them home to bed. The weather though somewhat temperamental, can be equally spectacular and when Sydney is in the mood, man she turns it on.

This weekend she was showing off with her gorgeous display of sunshine and the balmy nights. So whilst the hubby was off at a surfing competition and a presentation night, the kids and I grabbed ourselves some dinner and headed down to Manly Beach for a little twilight picnic.

These two just melt me. My son Kai and my Niece Meg were born 6 months apart and they have the most gorgeous relationship in that they are more like best buds than cousins. In fact they are like a little old couple and I just adore eavesdropping on their conversations about life.

Fortunately for us Meg only lives a few suburbs away so they get to carry on like that little old couple whenever they feel like it. And when they are not together they are Face timing or Instagramming each other.

Daylight savings means our days last longer, which means the fun also lasts longer and there is nothing like a balmy night spent bidding farewell to the day that was down at the beach.

Can you tell I wrote this on a good day as to be honest there is many a day where the kids are cuckoo and doing their best devil impersonations and I am really just begging for that sun to rack off. Keeping it real people.

I'm not going to ramble on anymore as the truth is I am knackered and my bed is calling. Instead I'll leave you with some pictures I snapped of the weekend that was.


Do you have Daylight Savings where you are?
What do you like to do with the extra daylight hours? 

Just a reminder I also have 2 fabulous giveaways running at the moment.

Have you entered yet?