Wednesday 26 June 2013

Excuse Me Whilst I Take This Moment To Gloat

One of the many things I seriously suck at is staying on top of the laundry, which is a common complaint I believe among many of us.

For years my husband took the lead when it came to this job and I kind of dabbled a little, putting a load on here and there.

My lame excuse was I worked such long hours, so I just simply didn't have time. But the truth was I was severely allergic to it.


Not really.

Since I am now the Domestic Goddess of this abode *choke vomit*, the laundry keys have been handed over to me.

Now I am not one to gloat .... Bahahaha.

Ok correction, I am not one to gloat unless it is about something that is totally gloatable (IS so a word), and I happen to think that this is one of those occasions that should be deemed sincerely gloat worthy.

I have defeated the mighty Mt Washmore.

Yep you heard it correctly. I smashed that pile of washing and ironing and for the first time in Oh EVER,  every single piece of clothing belonging to all five of us has been washed, ironed, folded and put away.

That's not a major accomplishment - it's a freaking miracle for this household.

Let us not look too closely at the quality of the ironing as I have yet to master my technique (aka ANY technique). But its done to what many would class as an acceptable manner and man does it feeeeeeel good!

The kids and the husband have been instructed to stay out of all dirty situations, avoid dirt, wear bibs and to wear the same clothes at least until they smell so bad it begins to alienate them from their peers, because I want ... correction, I NEED this feeling to last.

It's totally a gloat worthy event wouldn't you agree?

Now if someone will PLEASE explain to me - what order should you iron a shirt in? Collar first, top back or sleeves?

Got any tips or tricks to help me stay on top of the washing?
Come on - spill your secrets.... Please!