Thursday 4 July 2013

Could You, Should You, Would You?

image source: Style Files | Jeroen van der Spek for VT Wonen
I watch shows on TV where families pack up their lives and move themselves to somewhere completely different to what they know. Some call it a sea change or a tree change, depending on where you go I guess.

Call it whatever you like, the concept of it just sounds so damn appealing to me and more and more I have found myself daydreaming about making such a change for ourselves.

Imagine starting over somewhere completely new. Discovering new places, new friends, different ways of living. Even grocery shopping is more appealing when you are somewhere different.

We have lived where we live for all of our lives, and whilst I do love it here, I cant help but wonder what if?

Often I lie in bed at night watching TV shows on Foxtel where families make the big move and they make it look do easy and idyllic, and I go to sleep dreaming about where we would go and the life we could live if we were brave enough to do it for ourselves.

My husband finds the idea appealing too, as long as it was to somewhere warm and on the coast so he wouldn't have to give up his beloved surfing.

We even went so far as to look at property up north around Byron Bay and even further up on the Sunshine Coast, and when we realised it was actually affordable and that our daydream could possibly become a reality if we let it, we gently broached the subject with our kids.

Our youngest Flynn (6) was all "Yeah Cool". Such is the way I would expect for a child who dreams of one day living in a Winnebago in Byron Bay and having a home wares shop and a gardening business.

The other two were totally "Nah Uh, NO WAY".

Their fear is leaving behind their friends and with my oldest starting high school next year I can actually get where he is coming from. He wants to go to high school with his friends, almost as if they are his security blankets as he heads into a world that is strange and unknown.

I don't think I would ever forgive myself if we made the move and the kids were miserable.

But what if they weren't miserable? What if they loved it and it was the best thing we ever did for them?

I am curious, have you made a seachange or tree change? 
If so how old were your kids and how did they cope with the move?
Have we left our run too late?

Do you dream of making the move as well? 
Where would you go and what's holding you back from your dream?