Tuesday 3 September 2013

Yarn Bombing The Kid's Schoolyard

Yarn Bombing - what's not to love about random items being covered in gorgeous knits in bright colours? It's kind of like environmentally friendly graffiti, only graffiti is such an ugly word for something so cute.

The kids at my boy's school have a special tree in the playground called The Friendship Tree. It's where they go to if they are feeling lonely or can't find anyone to play with and the idea is everyone is told to keep an eye out for anyone standing by the friendship tree and invite them to play.

It is is such a sweet concept and I so wish that we all had a friendship tree to carry us through life.

So I think I may have mentioned before that since I quit my job and started working for myself, one of the things I do every Monday is rock up to school with 2 other awesome mums and Grandmum and we teach the kids to knit during lunchtime.

Yep It's Knitting Club for kids and it's the bomb!

The most adorable kids from Kindy through to year 6, both boys and girls, turn up every week with their knitting or french knitting and just chill out and share a yarn or two over um a ball of yarn or two.

Yeah I know that pun was corny, moving on!

The kids have been encouraged to knit squares for the Wrap with Love project, but when one of the beautiful mums Amanda suggested we do a bit of a sideline project and yarn bomb the Friendship Tree, we all got a little light headed with excitement and just like that a new project began.

Of course our little L Plate knitters couldn't be expected to knit enough squares to cover the tree so we all got knitting and Amanda's incredibly crafty mum Chris called in the help of her knitting / craft group and they also donated loads of knitted squares and crochet squares for our project.

Yesterday was D Day and we arrived at school armed with bags of squares, little crocheted butterflys and black wool and started stitching away. By the time the school bell rang, we had officially yarn bombed the friendship tree.

The looks on the kid's faces as they came out to see their brightly coloured tree was just priceless and watching them go one step further and actually hug that tree... well.... I'm gonna stop there because being the over emotional twat that I am, I'll go and get myself all in a mess.

I'll stop rambling now, so you can check it out for yourselves.

It is such a sweet idea and seriously soooo much fun. As I'm writing this I'm actually looking around the house for what else I could possibly yarn bomb.

So what do you think, are you up for the challenge? How cool would it be if we all yarn bombed a Friendship Tree in our kid's schools.

Double Dare you!