Wednesday 15 January 2014

What does Your Choice of Decorating Colour Say About You?

I'm one of those people that when they get into something, they like REALLY REALLY get into it.

It may not always last long, whatever it is that I am into that is, but whilst it does last I delve like the nerdiest of nerds and I become consumed with finding out as much as I can.

Sometimes the information is completely useless, but I just find it interesting. Like for example the process of growing and harvesting olives which was something I was inspired to research last week after a dream I had where I inherited an olive farm.

Sometimes just sometimes, things I learn about are useful and possibly even interesting to others.

After staring at the walls in my house and trying to figure out which colours to redecorate with (yet again) I started looking into the psychology of colour and what draws us to specific colours and the impact they can have on our moods and the energy of our home.

Dozens and dozens of decorating and psychology websites and articles and hours of reading including inhaling the information from a thesis that someone in Pakistan wrote on the power of colour on our souls and I have come up with this info.

Granted it is a little more info than I know what to do with and I am actually no closer to choosing a colour for my dining room feature wall.... but anyways...

What colour are you drawn too?

*All images of rooms and the colour questionnaire were found on Pinterest.