Friday 7 February 2014

Valentines Day Gift Ideas You Can Make, Bake & Fake

You know me, a total sucker for the mushy stuff and an even bigger sucker when it comes to showering my kids with soppiness on Valentines Day. Bonus points if Valentine's Day falls on a school day and I get to up the embarrassment level a notch or three.

Come on! What are mum's for???

Here's a round of some of the gorgeous Valentines Ideas I have come across in the past week. You know, just in case you want to spread a little soppy yourself ;)

Oh and make sure you check back tonight for some linky awesomeness.

Now tell me, do you celebrate Valentine's Day at your place and if so, what do you like to do?

1: Love heart cake toppers 2: Love heart felt pins 3: Love heart gift bags  4:  Love heart toasties  5: Stained glass sugar cookies  6: Love heart gift tags 7: Fruit roll up fortune cookies 8: 100's & 1000's sandwich  9: Love heart marshmallows 10: Arrow card printables  11: Love Printable