Friday 28 February 2014

Weekend Rewind Blog Hopping Party 4 - The F### You Universe Edition

You know you have gone so far into adulthood that there's no turning back - when your weekend plans get cancelled and you find yourself a little too excited. That's what has happened to me - a busy weekend suddenly looks very quiet and I am breathing in relief.

Autumn has decided to make a grand entrance and the forecast predicts rain on the weekend here in Sydney. But rather than getting all soppy over the end of Summer and lack of sunshine, I'm actually all wide-eyed and joyous at the prospect of a another weekend of PJs and slothing around in comfy yoga pants... yoga pants that have never actually been used for yoga mind you.

Now anyone who knows me knows that this is rather abnormal behavior on my part... not the slothing and sleeping bit because that is kinda normal for me, but the celebratory carry on over a rain prediction is rather out of character. You see normally I would be mouthing obscenities at the weatherman on TV (screaming them if the kids weren't around) and cursing the clouds for daring to interfere with my weekend plans, plans that usually involve cocktails and the outdoors (in no particular order). 

But the reality is my inner old fart has raised her head and is reminding me that I could really do with a quiet weekend to recover from this past week.

In case you were fortunate enough to miss my pain in the ass moaning and groaning on social media this week (ALL week) I have been mopier that the mopiest of kids. Stinking rotten head colds do that to me. 

And then... and THEN the Universe decided they would have some fun toying with me, because just when I thought I couldn't feel any worse than I did, they sent Auntie Flo knocking on my door. 

Sorry Dad, too much information??

But wait, it gets even better.... oh no the big kahunas in the sky were really on fire, because last night just as the Panadol and Gin and Tonic kicked in, the demons stopped stabbing at my uterus and I started to feel just a teeny weeny bit better, my husband started sneezing and coughing and announced that he has come down with it too.... the cold bit not the uterus stabbing ... just in case you were confused.

It was at that point I looked to the sky and stuck my finger up... you know the REALLY RUDE one as my kids like to say, and said a big "F### You".

Ohhhhhhh go on and laugh, one of us may as well have a chuckle because the truth is I can't even see anything even remotely funny about this cruel twist of fate as my sense of humour is so far up my ass at this point that even a 10 pound hash cookie could not get me laughing about this situation.

So. Can you now see why I am celebrating the prediction of rain this weekend? It is because I will stay inside with my cramping uterus, snotty nose and disease ridden family and we shall spare the world from having to deal with us.

Did I mention I get a little dramatic when I am unwell.

Anyways, thankfully it is that time of the week to link up with Bron and I for the Weekend Rewind. Link up up your favourite post from the past week and then pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. 

Here's some of the posts from last week's link up that either managed to put to put a smile on my snotty face or got my eyes running with tears ... yes even more leaky than they already were.

My heart broke for Jane and her husband and their beautiful daughter Milla as they struggle to deal with her anxiety. That family is so incredibly inspiring and I just want to wrap that little girl up in the biggest cuddle and tell the world to be gentle with her. 

I was in stitches reading about how Carla's daughter Amelie was asking her Daddy why he has such a big Vagina. It reminded me of how my boys once asked me if  I had played with my penis a little too much and that's why it fell off.

I decided that if it all gets too germy around this place of mine I am going to ask Lila if I can move into her gorgeous new wardrobe. Procrastinating pays off I tell you!

I added yet another project onto my to do list thanks to Katie and her fabulous knitted bunting.

I along with many other hearts swooned when Matt shared how he still makes his beautiful wife mixed tapes.

I was all inspired for at least a few minutes (until a coughing fit distracted me) by Jodi's tips on simplifying your home.

This weekly blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. It doesn't matter if you link up here on my blog or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella), cause your link will show up in both places.