Monday 31 March 2014

It was One Big Pile of Poo... My Morning That Is!

Can we just talk about mornings for a few minutes... for no other reason than the fact that my morning today was one big puddle of poo... which is a pretty accurate description of most weekday mornings in this house despite all the best efforts I put into making them run smoothly and relatively stress free.

I make lunches the night before and we hunt down all the shoes, uniforms, hats and bags etc and lay them all out for the kids for the morning.

We send the squids to bed at a reasonable hour the night before - however when you factor in the dozen or so treks back downstairs to ask for water, cuddles, muscle rubs, magic sleep potion and to just tell us something completely random that they forgot to tell us earlier - the use of the words 'respectable hour' in that statement is slightly misleading.

Let's take this morning as an example. We dragged the kids out of bed almost on time and they managed to get at least half of their clothes on before the meltdowns began.

"I don't like cereal anymore. Yes I do. No I don't. Can I have laksa for breakfast."

"These undies squash my bits Mum... I can't wear them, squashy undies aren't good for bits you know!"

"Where is my shoe? He threw it at my head and now I cant find it. WHERE IS MY SHOE!!!"

"These socks suck... I hate socks.... all my socks ARE SO ANNOYING... I"M NOT GOING TO SCHOOL. I QUIT SCHOOOOOOOOL"

It didn't improve when we left the house either.

After we were finally in the car and on the way to school, we had to turn around and come back home to pick up forgotten homework.

When we eventually made it back to school with homework in tow, we found that not one but TWO big bumholes were parked in the kiss and drop zone which meant everyone was banked up and trying to maneuver their way around buses and morning traffic to drop the kids off. To top it all off a couple of rangers were there booking people amid the confusion.

I somehow managed to get myself into a heated argument with a bus driver, a ranger and one of the bum holes that in the parked car.

And all of this was before 9am.

Vodka and Valium may have crossed my mind more than once during this time, as did running away to Bali.

Did I mention my morning was one big pile of poo?

How do your mornings run?
 Are they like the TV ads where everyone is smiling an laughing over a jug of freshly squeezed juice or does your loving family act like everyone hates each other and you  just want to quit the day before it has even begun?

Any tips fr a smooth running morning you can give this Mum who thought she had it all together but clearly doesn't?