Thursday 20 March 2014

You Are Bloggy Awesome! - Just Some of The Blogs I am Currently Crushing On.

It has been a while since I shared some of the fabulous blogs in my blog reader and I thought it was about bloggy time I gave you an update on some of the blogs I have been crushing on lately.

I used to do this more often as it was my way of saying thanks to these gorgeous bloggers for allowing me into their lives and into their world. It was a way I could show gratitude for their inspiring words, stories and photos and it is also my small way of introducing these fabulous blogs to anyone who has not yet had the joy of discovering them for themselves.

So without further fuss and nonsense from me, here's a couple of bloggy awesome blogs I have been reading lately.

Zanni's words often leave me in a state of emotion. She writes so beautifully and in a way that inspires me to want to be there myself to experience whatever it is with her.
She has the most gorgeous gentle heart, is an incredible mother and role model to her two gorgeous girls and she is a published children's book writer to boot. If she wasn't such a beautiful soul I'd totally be intimidated by her awesomeness.
Read her for yourself here and you can thank me later.

Champagne Cartel is written by a a fabulous group of friends who also happen to be working women. They are led by a hilarious chick Carolyn. Their site is about you, ways to make your life better and to banish the guilt we Mum's often load ourselves down with. They are even running a competition to encourage you to have more 'me time'... like I needed any encouragement :)
When I first read Carolyn's About Us page where she says "Honestly, if I see one more discussion online where women are telling other women what terrible women they are, I think I might have to tender my womanly resignation" I knew right then we were going to hit it off.
Go and see for yourself what I am hyping up about here

Kirsten is a blogger I have only recently had the pleasure of finding for myself and she describes herself as someone who avoids exercise, eats chocolate and drinks coffee. Oh I like her!
OK she does other stuff too but she had already won me over with the first three.
Her blog is such a bright and happy place and one of those kinds of blogs you love to visit for a laugh and a bit of self deprecating humour. Oh and she's into The Real Housewives series - need I say more?
Check out Kirtsen's site over here

Oh Carla, you came into my world with your witty sense of humour, beautiful words and photos and beguiling blogging style and for that I thank you... and then you declared your love of Vodka and I simply fell in love.
Whilst Carla is only a relatively new blogger, she is doing incredible things. If ever there was a time to say "Watch this space" it is now. Look out blogoshpere, there's a new gal in town and she is going to blow your mind.
Check out what all the fuss is about over at Carla's blog here.

Now I don't think my name sake needs much in the way of an introduction because if you haven't yet discovered her fabulousness for yourself then you have been hiding somewhere you shouldn't have been.
Sonia is freaking hilarious which isn't really fair because as well as being funny she is also drop dead gorgeous and could make a sack cloth look desirable.
She loves fashion and home wares and shopping and she even offered to show me her boobs - I mean what's not to love about this girl! She and I share the same wicked sense of humour and I suspect she could possibly be my sister from another mister!
Find out for yourself why I am infatuated with this chick by visiting her blog here.

Brooke is a total sweetheart and also knows a thing or two herself about shopping up a storm. She also has a very handy talent for curing hangovers... that's not really what I like about her though.. well OK I do, but there is bucket loads more of awesomeness to love.
Brooke is yet another gal with a wicked sense of humour and she makes me laugh. I like people that make me laugh and she has impeccable taste in music too - although I am getting a little stressed about deleting all the iTunes bills from my email before my hubby sees them - thanks Brooke for exposing us to such desirable music NOT! :)
Go get sucked into Brooke's world for yourself at her blog here.

Oh man I could go on and on. I was writing down blog names that were coming to mind as I typed this out and my list just like my reader is HUGE.

I'm thinking I may have to do this a little more regularly than I have been because dammit - these bloggers are too bloggy good not to share.

Whilst we are sharing the love, why not tell us about a blog or two that you are loving at the moment so that we can get a little piece of the action too. Come on sharing is caring - cough it up!

I'm in the middle of updating my blog roll so if you have a blog now's the time to de lurk so I can be sure to include you!