Friday 4 April 2014

Weekend Rewind Blog Hopping Party 8 - Frizzy Hair and Random Rambling

Well hot diggety dang its Friday again.... whoa did you see that? I totally rhymed my opening line.

HOLY SMOKES I did it again!

Wow - I haven't even had my Friday evening celebratory tonic and yet the random rhyming has already begun. I'm gonna put it down to the fact that I am high on joy or something - because hellooo Friday is pretty freaking joyful in my opinion.

So as I write this I keep staring off out the window, watching as the rain sets in. Part of me is all "damn it, why does it always have to rain on the weekends?" But then there is another part of me...

Now this other little part of me happens to have horns on her head and a pointy red tail with one of those really awesome sharp spear thingies that I cannot for life of me think of what they are called... and that little part of me is sitting there all smug like, rubbing her hands and high fiving the air with every thunder clap. She's even chanting "rain harder rain harder RAIN HARDER.

I'm guessing that she's kind of hoping that tonight's sports training and footy game is called off so that she can slip her fluffies on and go plonk on the couch with her crochet, a Friday night tipple and order some Thai.

What a selfish cow! I mean really? Who does that?


So we finished filming today for the episode of a new TV show that my family is in. And noooo it's not Wife Swap or Real Housewives or anything controversial like that. It's a new family lifestyle show that will be on next month and I don't think I'm allowed to say much more than that just yet.

But I will tell you that in part of the episode you are going to see some of the frizziest hair you'll ever see in your life... and sadly that ferocious ball of fuzz just so happens to be on my head.

For some reason we didn't get sent the call sheet for the first day of filming and so we were expecting the film crew to arrive at our house at 9 am. Now anyone who has kids knows that mums usually get the kids ready first and then go off and tidy ourselves up right? Right!

Well unfortunately the film crew arrived and knocked on the door an hour before we expected them. I was still in my PJ's, with a gone to bed with a wet head hairdo and not a hint of makeup to hide the bags under my eyes that I got from staying up late scrubbing the toilets.... Oh bull crap- I always have bags under my eyes. They are like the free steak knives you get when you get kids.

Anyway, it was like one of those dreams where you go to school with no undies on... except there was no school or lack of undies but... you know... same kind of thing.

I sent the kids outside to distract the crew with loads of questions... like "Whatcha doing? What's that for? Why are you doing that?" yada yada yada and I figured I had about 15 minutes before the crew were begging to be relieved of my kids.

Hmmm decisions, what to spend those 15 minutes on? A: Getting dressed, B: Do my hair or C: Makeup?

I went for option A and C and so my hair looks like complete shit for that part of the filming.

Thankfully today there was a hair and make up team at the studio, so there was plenty of time to get the full pampering. There was even time for me to laugh as my hubby was given a once over with the makeup brush himself, although he wouldn't give me my phone to take photographs so I have no evidence of this and therefore it is totally his word against mine.


I tried to take a photo of me all made up so my Mum could see and I was totally photo bombed by the whole family.

I think this may be my most favourite family photo ever.

Anyway - time to get on with this week's link up. Did you know this is the 30th Weekend Rewind for my lovely friend Bron? Well it is, and so can I just ask that you take a minute or two to leave her a comment on her blog to tell her just how flipping awesome she is. Yeahhhhh Baby - we love you Bron!

Please excuse me for not sharing my fave posts from last weeks link up - it seems my chanting is not working. I have just received a text to say "Game on" and so now I have to dump and run to get the kids to their Rugby game. But before I bolt can I just say a quick thank you to all of the 75 fabulous bloggers who linked up with us last week and took the time to hop around and say hello to a few of their fellow linkees.

You guys rock!

Link up your favourite post from the past week and then pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella) your link will show up in both places.