Tuesday 2 September 2014

Mama Warned There'd Be Days Like This

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Flat days. They happen right? 

Those days where you just kind of feel blah for no particular reason other than perhaps you are tired, run down or just plain and simply run out.

For us winter is one of those crazy times of the year where all we want to do is hibernate and yet we find ourselves running from sports field to sports field, standing on the sidelines in the cold and losing our voices as we scream out our encouragement... all the while unable to feel our toes and fingers. 

You know the drill.

Some days I find my head is ready to explode with errands to run and housework to tackle. Meals to make, homework and assignments to chase the kids up on. To do lists, dates to remember, events and family commitments and stuff... just a whole load of stuff. 

Today is one of those days, and try as I might I just can't seem to muster up the energy to deal with any of it - not a single thing.

I have finally come to accept these days as just a mere hiccup. Give or take another day or two and the moos will pass and I'll be feeling back to my normal self again. In the meantime however, I need to be kind to myself. 

Yep, on days like these you, me, we, all need a little self nurturing and to realise that it is totally OK to put on the brakes, say no to something or even pull out of a commitment or two and just do something for ourself. 

The world is not going to end because we take a little time out right? Right!

This is my list of my favourite ways to pull myself out of a slump and find a little joy in an otherwise blah day.

1. Cancel all plans and put on my PJs.
2. Make a list of all the awesome things that are making me happy right now.
3. Read some favourite magazines and feel inspired or watch some really trashy mindless TV.
4. Go for a bike ride, peddle fast and let the wind blow the dust out of my mind.
5. Spend time with the kids, they always manage to put everything into perspective.
6. Take a long candlelight soak in the tub with a glass of wine and a little plate of tapas as an extra special treat.
7. Laugh. Call a friend, muck around with the family, watch a really stupid show - whatever it takes to just laugh hard and loud.
8. Work on an affirmation board  or scrap book. Cut out images from magazines of places, homes, dreams anything that i'd like to incorporate into my own dreams and future.
9. Get crafty anyway possible. The act of doing and keeping my hands busy never fails to stop my mind from dwelling on the doldrums.
10. Relax and forgive myself for taking a day off, after all we all need one every now and then.

What's your favourite way to spend a blah day?
What do you do to shake the dust?