Tuesday 23 September 2014

What Turns You On?

I mean in the literary sense - what turns you on in the literary sense?

*shakes head * Sheesh!

I have to confess, I'm not the most daring when it comes to my choice of literature.  One look at the pile of titles on my bed side table and you'd be all "No Shit Sherlock",

I do love to be inspired by a compelling mind and spirit book, by the likes of Eckhart Tolle, but when it comes to the fictional stuff, I prefer stuff that is a little warm and lighthearted.

I love characters that I can relate to, and that I can similarities between their personality or life and my own. I truly love it when I feel such a connection with the character that I miss them when the story ends.

Sad aren't I!

I thought long and hard about what I would want to read about when I started writing my own book. (Ahhh yes, I am yet another blogger writing a book). And so the characters in my own book feel like they are people I know in real life - although my dear friends, I assure you they are fictional so don't go thinking I'm writing about you guys.

I haven't been that into imaginary friends since I was about 6 and yet I have become so damn attached to the people in my story that I know I will be sad if and when I eventually finish this book. I have built their world for them, their homes, their families, their fate - how could I not become attached to them?

Do you choose books with characters you relate to? Or do you prefer to be a little more adventurous and through the books you read, exposed to a different life and world to the one you live your every day in?

I go through phases where I am tempted by stories of wealth and fame. I guess you could say I'm a bit fickle really, shallow even when it comes to the books I read. Not much different to the TV shows I love to watch - Location Location, The real Housewives and The Bachelor are my case in point.

I was totally sucked into the whole Fifty Shades phenomena. In fact I just read the series again so that I am ready for when the movie is released.

YES of course I am SO going to go and watch it when it comes out!

Against all better judgement I even read all the Twilight books after I was harassed by friends who insisted I would love them.  I hate to admit it, but they were right. I did enjoy that series, just as I did the Hunger Games and Divergent series.

Maybe there is a little Sci Fi freak in me after all? Who knew!

Typically it is stories about love and quirky families with a humourous story line that I am generally drawn to, and I have a pile of those waiting for me beside the bed that I am hoping to get to sometime in the next 10 years.

Unless of course I get talked into reading something else first...

And so I'm curious as to what you are reading? 
What sort of books are you into?
What book have you read lately that really wound you in?
What turns you on in the literary sense?