Thursday 27 November 2014

How To Deal With Being Apart From Your Kids

Thanks to Bupa for sponsoring our Travel Insurance

Whilst I am so ridiculously excited about going to Dubai next week, if I am totally honest the thought of leaving Carl and my boys is making me feel downright sick to the stomach.

I dont mean to sound ungrateful in any way at all I truly don't, because whoa - this is seriously a once in a lifetime opportunity. Its just that 

they are my boys 

and Dubai is so far away and

you know right?

Its not just me that is struggling with the prospect of being separated; the two younger squids are finding the whole idea a bit much to bear too. So with that in mind I put the request out to all the lovely Facebook peeps for some tips and suggestions to help both me and the kids get through the period we are going to be separated from each other, and hot dignity dang not only did you guys not let me down, you had me in tears with all of your gorgeous suggestions.

It seems I am not alone when it comes to separation anxiety, there is a whole load of us who worry excessively about being apart from our partners / kids and most of us agree that the lead-up to the actual going away part is typically the worst rather than the being away itself.

But you lot have made some truly beautiful suggestions and for that I thank you so so much. For any of my fellow sookie la las facing some time away from your loved ones - heres some fabulous ideas to help both us and the kids cope with being apart from each other. 

You can read thefull list of suggestions here.

Okey dokey artichokey - Ive taken your advice on board and I have turned this years advent Christmas calendar into a way of staying connected with the kids and reminding them that I will not stop thinking about them whilst I am away.

For each day that I am gone, there is a special note from me along with a little gift for each of them. Just little things like a special pencil and notebook to write their news in, journal style so that they can share it with me when I get back. I have also included some new buddybangles for each of them and a photo of me wearing mine.

So booyah - you guys have my emotional well being under control for this up and coming trip and thankfully Bupa has the rest of me covered.

Its peace of mind for me and for the hubby too, to know that I am properly insured.

As well as covering my personal belongings against loss, damage or theft and providing me with cancellation cover, Bupa also gives me 24 hour world-wide emergency assistance. If need be (touch wood I wont need it) they can provide me with medical evacuation, refer me to a preferred doctor and monitor my ongoing condition.

Buying travel insurance from Bupa is easy as!

You can purchase it online from your mobile, via their website or in store and if you are a Bupa Health Member then you receive 15% of your travel insurance premiums.

If you are travelling in the near future, Bupa have a special offer for Life Love and Hiccups readers. If you buy travel insurance before December 31st 2014, you will receive a travel adapter kit. Conditions apply. Make sure you buy via this link or by calling 1300 555 240 to receive yours.

Just one of the many photos I will be taking with me. My hotel room is gonna look like a shrine!

Thanks, you guys, for all your awesome ideas for dealing with separation and thanks to Bupa for sponsoring our Travel Insurance for this trip to Dubai.

So tell me - are you a complete sook like me or can you happily wave bye byeto the kids and enjoy some time to yourself?

If you are the latter or someone who would give their right leg for a child free getaway, PLEASE feel free to slap me and tell me to snap the hell out of it!