Friday 21 November 2014

Weekend Rewind - Spilling The Beans

A little while back Charlene from Teacher by Trade Mother By Nature wrote this 20 Things You Might Not Know About Me’ post and then passed the baton on to me. Only I didn't see it at the time because one thing that EVERYONE who knows me... like KNOWS me knows me, knows about me (huh??)... and that is that I suck at email and text messages.

They come in but I either don't read them straight away because I know I can't answer there and then and I'll feel like a major A Hole if I know that YOU know I have read your message and haven't replied ... and so I leave reading the message until I can reply, only then I forget that it is there and so I pretty much don't reply anyway until later... by which time I do feel like a major A Hole.

Also I have a brain like a sieve.

And I ramble a lot.


Anyway the idea behind Charlene's post was that I answer some questions - you know things that you may not know about me... which is as silly as tits really given that over the course of the last three years on this blog, there is not much I haven't told you. But we will give it a whirl anyways. 

So, time to start spilling the beans. Here's 20 things that you might not know about me or even care to know about me either...

How tall are you?  
Ha! everyone has this misconception that I am going to be tall when they meet me. I'm a short ass. Five foot three to be precise!

Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what? 
I can burp the alphabet... does that count? 
It horrifies my mother but my boys think I am incredibly cool! Disgusted Mother or boys that think I'm cool? Ummmm sorry Mum!

What’s your biggest blog-related pet peeve? 
Hmm... biggest peeve... I think it would be when big name companies contact us and ask us to do a whole load of stuff for them like blog posts and photos and reviews etc and they get like REALLY demanding... all in exchange for a... wait for it... a shoutout. 

Um cause you want me to basically work for you right? How exactly is a shoutout going to put food on the table? Do they go to work for a shout out?

I love helping out start up businesses... but big brands with big budgets? Yeahhhh, I'll leave you to figure that one out.

What’s your biggest non-blog related pet peeve? 
Now that is hard to narrow down cause I have many. 

I hate it when people read over my shoulder, or look over my shoulder when I am talking to them. 

I cannot stand it when people eat apples really loudly next to me and they do that bite / slurp kind of thing. I once actually ripped and apple out of a colleague's hand and pegged it across the room because it was so freaking annoying.

I also can't stand mean or rude people. It's just not necessary.

See I told you I have a lot!

What’s your favourite song? 
My fave song at the moment is a toss up between Stay Alive by Jose Gonzalez and Wicked Games by Parra for Cuva.

What’s your favourite Etsy shop that isn’t yours?
I love Swanky Prints as she has an awesome range of photography backdrops I use for photo shoots.

What’s your favourite way to spend your free time when you’re alone? 
Lying by the pool with a cocktail in hand, a magazine and a notebook to write down ideas, some sandalwood burning and my fave tunes on the speakers... can I go do that now please?

What’s your favourite junk food? 
Kebabs! With hot chilli AND BBQ sauce.

Do you have a pet or pets? If so, what kind and what are their names? 
Yep we have two dogs... dumb and dumber. Jokes. They are called Max and Milly and we have a crazy Lorrikeet called Lennie. 

What are your number one favourite nonfiction and fiction books?
Non-Fiction: Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now
Fiction: Oh man I have too many to chose just one fave. Every book I read becomes my new fave.

What’s your favourite beauty product? 
I suck at anything beauty related.. I have no idea what is for what. I guess if anything it would have to be my GHD because... bad hair days and all that.

When were you last embarrassed? What happened? 
Oh Good Lord, I embarrass myself practically every day, multiple times a day even.
I farted in the car when we arrived at soccer yesterday and the kids jumped out of the car so quickly holding their noses and squealing "ohhhhh MUMMMM" so that EVERYONE around us knew what I had just done. Embarrassing? YES!

If you could only drink one beverage (besides water) for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
Errrr hello! Vodka!

What’s your favourite movie? 
You've Got Mail or One Fine Day. Again I can't choose. 
Both are set in New York so maybe it's because I have a deep dark desire to go there.
I've always wanted to own a little book shop like the one in You've Got Mail, and I fell in love with the name Sammy because of Little Sammy Parker in One Fine Day... and *ahem* George Clooney is in that movie so um yeah. Coincidence? No.

What were you in high school: prom queen, nerd, cheerleader, jock, valedictorian, band geek, loner, artist, prep? 
I was a floater... I don't think I ever really fitted any one label or stuck with any one group of people. I was always a bit of a drifter. I was a total goody two shoes until I hit year nine and then I kinda went off the rails.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? 
For the moment, I am perfectly happy where we are right now. The kids love their schools and their friends, we love the beach, and we have our family all close by. 

That said I like to dream about a loft apartment in New York, and when the kids grow up, the hubby and I will do that Harry Holt to Byron or Noosa.

PC or Mac? I have a PC desktop and a Mac Air Laptop.

Last romantic gesture from a crush, date, boy/girlfriend, spouse? 
The hubby grabbed my boobs this morning and said I was his spunk. He also bought me flowers the other day too.

Favorite celebrity? 
Guiliana Rancic. She seems so real and funny and so damn courageous. Plus she comes with the added bonus of a hot hubby we can have a little perve on!

What blogger do you secretly want be best friends with? 
Nup, cant pick just one sorry. 

I pretty much adore all the bloggers I follow and the reason I so follow them is because I relate to them or they inspire me and they are the type of people that if we were to meet in real life - I KNOW we would get on like a house on fire.

How about YOU spill the beans now.. 
Pick a question or two or three and tell us your answers in the comments below. 
See if you can shock us with something we don't know about you ;)

Link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Heartfelt Living)Sonia's blog (Sonia Styling) or Kelly's at A Life Less Frantic
It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.