Friday 12 June 2015

Random Rambling And A Whole Lotta Brain Farting

I've been a bad blogger this past week I'm sorry.

I barely got around to visiting any blogs, I was pretty much AWOL on social and I was so slack when it came to visiting the awesome people that joined in on last weekend's Weekend Rewind.

Even though I know us bloggers have that whole rule where we aren't supposed to apologise for being offline and living our lives, I just wanted you to know that I really do enjoy visiting you guys that link up, so I am sorry for being such a slacker.

Speaking of feeling guilty about stuff, I am sitting in the waiting room at the dentist where two out of three of my boys are about to go in and get fillings.

The teenager has made it to age 14 without a single filling and yet these two....?

Geez I have gone wrong somewhere or somehow when it comes to their teeth.

I always get an attack of the guilts when I am at the dentist with the kids and I kinda feel like I am laying my mothering skills on the chair for judging.

It's sort of like when I pull up at the lights next to police car... I feel guilty by default, despite the fact that I haven't done anything wrong.

I get the same sort of feeling when I take the kids to the dentist and all sorts of guilt trips go through my head.

Are their teeth clean enough?
Do I remind them to floss every night?
Are they going to dob me in for the times I am so desperate for them to go to bed that I tell them to just skip their teeth and do them in the morning?

To be extra safe I made sure I scrubbed at my own teeth until my gums practically bled and my teeth were so sparkling clean... you could eat with them... or something like that... because surely a mother with shiny teeth and raw gums wouldn't ever be so irresponsible as to let their kids go to bed without cleaning their teeth right?

Ahem. Right.

I'm feeling a little a bit bad for our boys at the moment... apart from having to spend a Friday afternoon at the dentists, I've been working some crazy hours lately as we juggle normal work and the warehouse refurb, and that means that all of our usual routines have kind of gone out of the window.

The school pick up arrangements change daily, I come and go at weird hours and we have been eating a hell of a lot of cheese on toast.

It is no wonder our youngest boy Flynn in one week alone (and a short week at that) has managed to miss the school bus home on one day, get on the bus instead of waiting for me to pick him up from school on the next day, forgot to put his lunch in bag (twice) and forgot to bring his homework home for four days straight.

Yeah OK, I think he may have been milking the situation a little when it comes to the homework, but it really has shown me that our kids are creatures of habit and routine is pretty much as important to them as it is to their anal retentive mum.

I know this crazy period isn't going to last forever... hopefully once the warehouse is ready things will settle into a new kind of normal, my brain will stop farting and I will cease making crappy decisions, decisions like staying up until 1am watching recorded episodes of Real Housewives of OC and Cheshire instead of catching up on some sleep.

Speaking of which... have you watched the new Real Housewives series with the line up of insanely wealthy women from Cheshire UK?

If so, what do you think?

I'm kind of enjoying the change of countries, although I have to admit I am having a hard time understanding a couple of them with their really thick accents, and as for some of the things those women say...


I feel for them that they can't blame their accents for some of the daft things they say.. like "I'm not stupid, I have SKY news" and  "I'd eat donkey poo if it made me look younger".

But then again...

Would I?

You know, eat donkey poo to stay forever young?


Hey it might make a nice change from the cheese on toast.

Have you been watching the latest Real Housewives?
Would you eat donkey poo to stay young?
Are you and your family routine lovers or do you prefer to just go with the flow?

Clearly I am on some kind of ramble-ish roll today, so let's just move on to some of more inspiring things from some bloggy awesome bloggers this past week.

Clockwise from Left to right

1. Nope, I am not sick of cute little cacti yet, they are still up there with the pineapples as far as my crushing on cute things goes and I loving these stitch along cards for kids from Handmade Charlotte. Now if only I could get my boys to sit still for five minutes to try it...

2. I am so over the snot in this household. For four weeks straight these squids of ours have been snuffling and coughing and sniffling and now the hubby has a sinus infection to boot! This post on 5 Simple Ways to Winter Wellness from the lovely Lila Wolff could NOT have come at a better time.

3. Leek Spinach and Garlic Risotto - Boom, get in my belly! This insanely scrumptious recipe from Sarah at A Beach Cottage is officially on my I am so going to get around to making this one day list... unless she offers to make it for me first... hint hint Sarah ;)

4. Staying motivated when it is colder than an Eskimo's bum is something I really struggle with at this time of the year. As for getting creative? Well I think of a whole load of creative things when I am tucked up all snug in bed but then I have to go and get up to actually do any of them and then therein lies the problem. Karin from Calm to Conniption had me covered though with her post on 20 Ways to stay Motivated and Keep on Creating.

Finally, let me introduce you to our fabulous Weekend Rewind guest hosts for this week - not that I think they need much in the way of an intro. This week you get two for the price of one in the fabulously hilarious duo - Carolyn and Gillian from Champagne Cartel.
Image Map

Link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella Loves) or Kelly's (at A Life Less Frantic ). 

It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.

Have a fabulous weekend you guys.