Friday 31 July 2015

Shifting Gears and Weekend Rewind is Back!

One more sleep.

Just one more night of attempted shut eye and when we wake all the hard work, all the stress, all the long sleepless nights will be worth it.

Tomorrow the Crossroading Hub opens and we can finally open the doors and welcome friends and family and friends to be to come in and be a part of the workshops, retail store, Uberkate's new home and the Crossroading Studio.

Tomorrow Kate, Tessa and I will sigh one hellava big breath and then sit back and try and soak it all up knowing that every single piece in this new place of ours, every nook and cranny has been created and curated together with an infinite amount of love and passion.

It's going to be strange for a while.

For the past two months we have been moving at lightening speed working day and night seven days a week to get this place ready.

Our normal lives have been put on hold, and I know that I for one haven't seen much of anyone else other than our three families.

The blog was allocated to the back seat for a while and everything was just a blur of to do lists and adrenaline fueled highs and lows.

But now we are done and everything is ready and from here on in we will shift into a new gear.

Granted it will be a faster gear than the one we were cruising in a few months back. I mean how can it not be when we have these new businesses to nurture, but I am looking forward to picking up where I left off and spending some precious time with my family and friends and getting back into writing here regularly.

I've missed writing here.

I've also missed reading what everyone else has been up to in the blogosphere and spending time chatting to everyone on Facebook and I have missed our Weekend Rewind and all the gorgeous bloggers that link up each week.

Speaking of gorgeous bloggers - I am absolutely honoured to be featured over at Sammie's blog today. Sam from The Annoyed Thyroid is one of the most genuinely beautiful souls I have had the pleasure of meeting since I have been blogging.

She is honest and funny and as real as you can get and if you haven't yet had the pleasure of getting to know Sam then get your ass over to her blog and indulge yourself in some reading and connecting with one of the most awesome bloggers you will ever come across.

Whilst I am on the topic of awesome bloggers - WEEKEND REWIND is BACK and although Bron, Kell and I have been off being busy doing all sorts of stuff, we are all so happy for today to roll around and the weekly linky to recommence.

Joining us as our guest host this week is the divine Lauren from The Thud.

Now this fabulous woman - Lauren - is so freaking funny that I have to practically cross my legs when I am reading her hilarious blog and I love that she is someone who not only admits to her various parenting screw ups but laughs at them and herself as much as I do. (laugh at myself I mean, not you Lauren, I am laughing with you babe not at you! ;)

To play along simply link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella Loves) or Kelly's (at A Life Less Frantic ). It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.

One last thing before you run off on your blog hopping adventures - I'd like to extend an open invitation to anyone who happens to be on the Northern Beaches tomorrow, to come and say hello to us at the warehouse. 

We are open from 10am - 4pm and we are at 17 Carter Road Brookvale .... but be warned, I may be a little enthusiastic and bowl you over in an over zealous hug. 

What can I say? I'm a clutzy hugger.

Just don't say you weren't warned.

Have a fabulous weekend you guys.