Friday 30 October 2015

Dreamer Lover Doer

Can you believe we are heading into November?

I feel like I say that so often these days, but the older we get, the faster times seems to speed by. One minute it is 2011 and the next - well the next we are drawing closer to 2016.

Bloody Hell! We are practically space age people!

So as per the usual, this week has flown by and helloooo here we are at Friday again.

What a week it has been.

A week full of highs, lows, plateaus and punch ups.

Just for the record - I didn't punch anyone, although there were most definitely a few occasions where I could have gone a round or two with a pillow just to release some of my frustrations with annoying people.

My pillow took a hit for at least 3 major ass wipes this week - two of whom were complete strangers that I unfortunately encountered in traffic.

But for all the less than memorable moments that played out, there were also some major highlights for the week.

Major as in HUGE.

Huge as in slap me silly I am so fudge fluffing lucky to do a job (or jobs) that truly make me toe tingling happy.

Not only do I get to work every day with two of my best friends with their businesses (Uberkate and Down That Little Lane), but I am also partners with them in not one, not two, but as of this week - THREE different businesses as well.

Yep this week we have officially joined forces in another venture - The Cult List Home.

The Cult List was initially started by Kate and Tessa as a fashion label under which their celebrated Party Pockets Pants were launched.

Now I have joined the girls and together we have launched The Cult List Home where we will be selling a range of home and lifestyle products designed to make your heart and your home sing with delight.

You can follow The Cult List on instagram here, Facebook here and keep your eye on our website for a new look and feel and a whole load of dedicated foof worthy new products coming soon.

What else has happened this week?

Um, well, I disappeared into the bush for a day to do a photo shoot for Uberkate and The Cult List Home,  which was 100 percent another pinch me moment.

Spending a day taking photos of beautiful things and beautiful people in a beautiful serene place was not only a joy, but an absolute privilege.

Had you told me back in 2013 (when I left the corporate world in a mid life huff) that two years on I would be earning my living doing things that make my soul happy right down to the very core, things like creative workshops, photography, writing, designing and sourcing home wares and helping other businesses realise their dreams... well I would have looked at you all dreamy and doe eyed before handing you the Prozac and booking you a suite in a padded place for special people.

I never dreamt this was possible.

Then again... I did dream, and as it turns out - it was and is possible.

If I have learnt anything from the past few years it is - don't ever stop dreaming you guys... and more than that, don't be afraid to take a chance on those dreams because the pay can be... well the pay off can be priceless and mind-blowingly beyond expectations.

Be a dreamer, lover and a doer.

You only get one life, so give it all you've got because the truth is you deserve to be happy.

Anyway, have an awesome weekend dreamers and Happy Halloween!

What are you dreaming about right now?

To play along simply link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Zoe's blog (A Quirky Bird) - and Bron (Maxabella) will be back with us soonIt does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 3 places.

An Extra Bouncy Kind of Limp Into The Weekend