Monday 30 May 2016

A Day Out With My Favourite People

With a teenager now living among us, and with sport commitments, housework, work work and birthday parties on the agenda, it is getting harder and harder to lock all three kids into a day we can spend together out and about as a family. 

I remember when they were little - it was so easy. You just got up, said you were going to x, y or z, the kids cheered and then ran off to get themselves dressed and boom you were on your merry little way.

Easy as.

Oh I miss those simple times.

These days, it requires everyone’s calendars to be laid out on the table before hand and we wade our way through work schedules, sports schedules and social schedules until we can pinpoint a day where everyone is free to go and do something together.

We try to make a habit of spending at least one Sunday a month doing stuff as a family.

Easier said than done of course and with the kid’s ages ranging between 9 and nearly 15, it can be a trade off to find something to do that everyone will enjoy.

Everyone gets to list something they would like to do or somewhere they would like to go and then it’s gloves off as we battle out the itinerary.

OK that sounds far more ominous than it really us, but just for the record - I’m totally open to bribing the kids to include something I want to do.

On this particular family day out - a trip to the city that included lunch at the Sydney Fish Markets and a visit to Kings Comic stores was enough child bribery / encouragement to get my plans on the list.

I’m such a sucker for fresh seafood. You could even go so far as to call me a seafood pig and in fact - my whole family would happily eat it all day every day if they could.

There is something extra special about obtaining your gluttonous seafood fill via a trip to the fish markets. I mean, you get to jostle with the crowds to choose your own fresh off the boat prawns and oysters, it is a haven for people watching, and it wouldn’t be a true native experience if you didn’t then have to fight for a seat on the wharf alongside all the other million and one seafood pigs so you can eat your prawns whilst simultaneously shooing away feisty seagulls who are willing to take you on for a shot at your lunch.

I love it.

No I really do!

Right, so with full bellies on board, next stop was King’s Comics - a ‘totally epic’ comic store in Sydney.

I’d like to note that ‘totally epic’ is the kid’s description of that place and not mine.

I prefer to call it - ‘that shop where you kids are willing to sell you their soul in exchange for advance on their pocket money to buy the latest issues of Phantom, Thor and Star Wars Awakens.’

Or something like that.

Finally, having narrowly escaped the financial carnage I was anticipating when we entered that comic store, it was my turn to direct us to the next stop.

An hour wandering around the Rocks and the Rocks Markets, followed by a hydration stop at one of the old pubs that included a G&T for me, a beer for the patient hubby, a jug of lemonade for the kids, and corn on the cob all round (winner winner corn for dinner) was the prize I’d had my eye on all day.

All kids fell asleep reading their comic books on the way home all plum tuckered out, the hubby and I partook in a little car karaoke and that my friends is what I would classify as a pretty awesome way to spend the day with my favourite people.

Totally worth the meticulous month’s worth of planning and trade off it took to have us all present for this family day and I’m already trying to lock in the gang for next month’s day out.

Any suggestions for our next family day you guys? 
What did you get up to on your last family day?
How often do you manage to have one?

                        A Get Out of Jail Free Kind of Monday