Tuesday 18 April 2017

Oh The Irony...

So we are head first into week two of the school holidays here and whilst I'd love to be able to tell you that my absence from this blog was because we've been busy working on our tans in Bali... but that would be a big fat lie.

A rather delicious sounding lie at that.

But alas, nup... I've just been doing the school holiday juggle like squillions of other parents around the world do at the end of every term. I've been trying to keep up a seamless appearance on the work front, whilst bribing older siblings to babysit and gratefully accepting generous friend's offers of 'playdates' to occupy the kids whilst I catch up on work... all the while battling the relentless guilt.

Oh screw me - THE GUILT!

I haven't spent enough time with the kids, I'm not on top of the washing, I haven't yet shopped for Winter Uniforms and now I have practically Buckley's chance of get a midget size school blazer made in time for first day back... insert at least 136 other valid reasons to feel guilty and...


That good old useless good for nothin guilt - Rack off!


Easter was pretty quiet around these parts. We lunched with family on Good Friday, caught up for dinner with friends on Saturday night and Sunday we ate our way through a couple of kilos of chicken that we had prepared for another family get together we were supposed to be hosting that was called off at the eleventh hour when ALL of our family couldn't make it after all thanks to a bucket full of reasons including and not limited to; head colds, work travel, and an old dog having dizzy spells.

No, I mean like a proper furry dog having dizzy spells (my parent's dog), I wasn't rudely referring to any human members of our family.

Despite the party that no one came to (sorry, I have to milk it at least a LITTLE) we ended up having an awesome Easter Sunday.

It was just the hubby, the kids and I and we cooked lots of food, sat around the fire, played guitars, sang far too loud and gorged ourselves stupid on wickedly rich chocolate / marshmallow / hot cross bun shmores (recipe from here).

It was pretty darn perfect and although I don't have a single damn photo to show for it - I couldn't be happier about that.

I didn't feel like taking any photos because Ive been going through a bit of a 'private' phase lately.


Yes, it's OK, I'll wait whilst you snort wine out of your nostrils at the irony of a 'private blogger'.

But it's true though, I've just not felt like being 'out there' quite as much as I normally would.

I can't help but feel like the world has been crazy as batshit lately what with the threat of war, all the atrocities against children and families and innocent people that have taken place, and whole families wiped out under tragic circumstances. That has to have an effect on us all right?

I mean, how can it not affect you when you see it or hear about it on the news and through others?

It makes me feel like that photo I took of us in the city or at the beach or anything I was going to write about nice new linen sheets, a day in the city, a new recipe for lemon caper chicken I've recently discovered and ... well pretty much anything... sound kinda petty really.

Do you know what I mean?

And so I just say nothing for a little while and that's what I mean by 'feeling private'.

I just quietly press pause on the online world, edge back from the crowds, gather my tribe close and we bunker down under our rock and keep to ourselves for a little while.

It doesn't fix anything in the world.

It doesn't change anything or prevent any of the bad stuff from happening or any of it from affecting us, but sometimes it just feels like what I need for a little while.

Does that make sense?

Do you ever feel like 'switching off' for a while and keeping to yourself?

Anyways, how was your Easter? Have you had some time off? Are you mid juggle too?