August 2015Life Love and Hiccups: August 2015
Life Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and Hiccups

Sunday 30 August 2015

I've Turned Green... Kinda

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 I am late to the party when it comes to juicing - that much I know. Im so late that I am practically the guest that arrives as you are scraping the remnants of cheese from the cheese board and collecting the olive pips and beer bottle lids from the pot plants.

So maybe that is a slight exaggeration.

Brought to you by Coles

The thing is I have watched the juicing revolution play out before my very eyes for - oh at least the past five years - but even the sight of glorious jewel coloured juices in the most gorgeous wanky swanky mason jars which is like the gold dust of instagram fodder, was not enough to get me past the idea of drinking spinach and kale.

Dont get me wrong, I like my spinach and kale, but preferably in a salad with a drizzle of olive oil and sprinkled with pine nuts, shaved Parmesan and a hand full of cranberries.

Oh damn, Im drooling. Excuse me for a minute.

Right, where were we?


OK so for a long time now I have liked the sound of drinking healthy homemade juices, but much like I like the sound of waking at dawn to run along the beach, liking and doing are two very different scenarios.

Until now.

I say now, because after sitting up late nursing a head full of bricks and a leaking nose and watching an episode of Guiliana and Bill where Guiliana declares that juicing is like SO GOOD for fighting colds and stuff, I finally got off my backside googled the crap out of the benefits of juicing, bookmarked some not completely off-putting juice recipes and then woke up in the morning and went and brought myself a juicing machine and a basket full of fresh fruit and veg including bunches of spinach and kale.

This is not like the time I woke up with an immediate urge to rollerblade and spent a small fortune on a pair of rollerblades that guaranteed to have me blading like a Bondi hipster. Nope, this time I went into it determined to use the power of juicing to fight this bloody cold of mine and ended up discovering that drinking green stuff really isn't all that bad.

In fact it is good and when you start adding other fruits and veggies to the mix it is better than good and it seems that I have become an official juice convert.

So it turns out that juicing offers a bootful of health benefits including a quick and easy way to absorb some of those fabulous immune boosting nutrients that fruits and vegetables are full of. 

When you eat these food whole (i.e. not processed) they retain their valuable vitamins and minerals and plant chemicals that they can often lose when you consume them in many of the pre bottled juices.

If you have kids who are all that fond of eating fruit and veg then juicing is a fun way of conning them into getting their daily nutrients.


Spinach and Kale are like the Batman and Robyn of the vegetable world.

They are loaded with all sorts of powerful compounds which have medicinal superpowers.

Kale is higher in vitamin c than most other veggies and a cup of raw kale actually contains more vitamin C than a whole orange, is fat free and actually contains numerous cancer fighting substances.

Spinach is high in anti oxidants, is known to boost eye health and anti aging and the beta-carotene it contains has also been shown to help combat many cancers including breast, prostate and ovarian cancer.

To the bat mobile or in this case the Juicer!

All well and good being a super hero of the food variety huh but how does do they taste to drink?

Not . that . bad . at . all.


I played around with a whole load of juice recipes that contain Spinach and Kale and these are three that I came up with that are more than just drinkable. They are enjoyable.

If this post was a video, here is where you would see me do a very lame churn the cheese pot dance because I am so happy with how these recipes taste, but since its not a video, you will just have to take my word for it and try them for yourselves.


½ lime
1 handful of spinach
½ cup Ice water


2 handfuls of spinach
½ cup of iced water


3 Kiwifruits peeled
½ inch ginger

Blitz all ingredients in your juicer and add as much iced water to achieve the consistency you prefer.

Fresh produce is the key when it comes to juicing as it ensures the integrity of the nutrients and their benefits.

Coles is all about fresh produce and if you are keen to give this juicing gig a whirl in the immune boosting fight then you are in luck because the leafy greens such as kale and spinach are in season and there is an abundance of supply in store.

Head into your local Coles store to pick up your supplies or if you are still in hibernation mode maybe consider home delivery

*Free delivery valid on your first order or any Wednesday when you spend $100 or more, excluding Tobacco products.

Don’t forget to check out the Coles recipe website and for more delicious juice recipes.

Are you a Juicer?

Do you have any awesome juicing combos I really have to try?

Friday 28 August 2015

Screw You Guilt! You're Dropped!

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*Sighhhh* I had big plans this week to dive back into this little ole blog of mine with a vengeance.

I was going to get back into my regular bloggy routine, blog more regularly, visit all those lovely blogs that are sitting there in my Bloglovin feed saying 'read me read me' and I was going to pick up my camera and start capturing photos of every day life again.

That's not the only thing I was going to do this week.


In any spare time I had I was dead set going to start an exercise regime, clean out the craft cupboard, wash all the curtains and get a head start on the Spring cleaning.

I was also planning on learning to mediate... like properly meditate... as in go to a class and learn how to mediate without an iPhone app with some super cheesy voice telling me what to do.

But then we had a crochet workshop at the warehouse, and I picked up a crochet hook for the first time in over a year.

It didn't take me long to remember why I had a big dose of RSI and in my right thumb last year... because I love crocheting and with no upfront intentions of segueing to a really bad pun - once I start I am 'hooked'.

I consider crochet to be similar to a really good book that you can't put down until the very last page, or discovering a series on Netflix that you cant stop watching until you have lost a week and used up all your internet for the month.

I just can't stop.

Dinner can wait, the washing can go jump, and as for the kids... well if their screaming at each other gets totally out of control and turns into like proper war with real tears and all that, then of course I would stop and attend to them... I think.

Then again...

My oldest son introduced me to Falling Skies recently. In case you have never heard of it, it's a really 'out there' sci fi series about aliens taking over earth and that dude from Party of Five is the main actor, (remember that show?)

Of course he's all grown up now and on this show he has three boys (like us) and is fighting to save the world from aliens (not like us). Considering he has to kill a lot of aliens in his average day, I felt it was only right that I gave my full support and saw him through as many episodes (ahem seasons) as I possibly could.

Of course usually I would feel incredibly guilty about wasting so much time on aliens and crochet.

Usually I would go to bed at night and beat myself up about what I didn't do that I had promised myself I would do, and I would curse myself for not tackling all those things that are sitting on my pretty little Kikki K to do list.

But this week I decided it's time that guilt and I break up. For a while anyways.

I gave myself permission to zone out from reality and all the crazy shitty stuff that is going on at the moment and not only do I feel the familiar ting of RSI return to my thumb, I also managed to smash over season 3, 4 AND 5 of Falling Skies on Netflix and I didn't even feel one iota of guilt about any of it.

I'll dive back into the blog next week.

I'll take some photos tomorrow when I go for a walk.

I've got three whole months of Spring to worry about sorting the housey stuff out and I'll get around to washing the curtains... maybe... when the RSI wears off.

In the meantime I say "Screw you guilt! Consider yourself dropped!"

Do you still date guilt or have you mastered the break up?
What would you waste hours on if you could do it totally guilt free?

I'm back into Weekend Rewind this week because let's face it, I would suffer FOMO if I missed out for another week.

This week's fabulous guest hostie is Amy from HandbagMafia.

Image Map

To play along simply link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella Loves) or Kelly's (at A Life Less Frantic ). It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

It's A Kodak Moment!

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Brought to you by Nuffnang and Kodak Alaris App
It’s funny how times they change.

Once upon a time I was a stickler for creating memory books for my kids, full of photos and keepsakes and little notes about their progress.

Alright so once upon a time was in actual fact once… a long time ago… for my first child… and then the other two got totally ripped off because I bought myself an iPhone and a dslr and I no longer needed to put film into the shop to get my photos developed and so I just didn’t...  develop any photos that is.

Instead I just kept those photos on my phone or the computer and the closest I ever really get to sort of |kind of | not really at all developing them or creating any memory books was posting those photos to instagram and Facebook.

A little while back I did actually go to the effort of printing off some photos onto that ridiculously expensive photo paper you can get from stationery suppliers and I covered our fridge with beautiful memories of our boys and special people.

Ok so I wasted at least half a pack trying to get sizes and print settings right, but damn it - I love those photos.

They remind me of how lucky I am and they make me smile every time I open the fridge… which is very handy during witching hour when the kids are hangry and being particularly painful, because I can just look at those sweet smiling faces and remember that they are not always quite so turdish.
The problem I find with printing the photos for myself is that not only is the photo paper painfully expensive, the ink it uses up to print the photos burns a massive hole in my wallet too and well let’s be totally honest here… the chances of me getting around to actually printing them much... or at all, is about as likely as me giving up coping cordial.

It’s just not gonna happen!

This Father’s Day I wanted to put some special photos together of the boys for my hubby and my own dad and so when I was asked to try out the KODAK MOMENTS App I was all “hell yes! Perfect timing thanking you very much!”

Ok, so here’s the thing with this KODAK MOMENTS App – there is lots to love about it and how easy it is to use, but the best bit? Well that would have to be the ability to print photos straight from my phone, Facebook, Instagram or Dropbox in a variety of different sizes, have them shipped direct to my door and I don’t need to mortgage my house to pay for them as they are cheap as!

What’s NOT to love about all that?!

My Instagram is full of my most fave photos of the kids and I’m thinking I might get the kids to help me put together an album of our fave family memories for the hubby and frame some prints for their Pop.

The prints come in a whole host of sizes including the Instagram square images, the more traditional sizes and even poster sizes.

You can download the KODAK MOMENTS App on both iOS devices here and Android mobile devices here and it is totally free to download.

If you get cracking now, you can also raid your phone and Instagram for photos to order and have them delivered in time to get the kids creating something special for dad this Father’s Day.

What about you – Are you good with printing off photos?

Do you have photo albums for each child or guilty of doing it for just the first one like me?

Monday 24 August 2015

Thems Be Rainbows There My Friends...

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Image Source

Hi you guys.

It's a late night one from me because I'm just sitting here with so much running through this tired old brain of mine and so much I want say.

First of all though, I just wanted to start this post by saying that I am OK and Carl and the boys are all OK too, but life threw our family one hellava curve ball this past week when we found out my beautiful mum is unwell and it has left us all a bit shell shocked to say the least.

Life is cruel like that sometimes isn't it?!

You wake up in the morning full of expectations about how your day will pan out, but by nightfall, everything can change and you go to bed wondering what the hell happened?

No matter how much we think we are in control of our lives, the reality is we aren't. 

That's a hard one to swallow for a control freak like me. 

Not being in control that is.

I pride myself on the fact that generally when it comes to day to day stuff, I am in control. I'm organised and careful and considerate of how each day will run. 

But we can't control everything.

As much as I like to think I am Captain Invincible, the commander at the helm of my family's ship, the MC of my very own freak show, well the reality is that life simply insists on reminding us all every now and then that no one is invincible and as much as we may want to - we cannot always protect ourselves or the ones we love from what life has planned for us.

You can be mad, you can be disappointed, you can be so frigging pissed off you risk combusting with rage... yep you can be all that, but you still can't control everything.

I came upon a card yesterday that someone sent me a while back. It said;  

There are no rainbows without the rain. 

It's true, how can there be rainbows if there is no rain to highlight them?

The rainbows are there. 

They are always there... if you remember to look for them.

Even accidents or illness bring their own rainbows you know? 

Yeah, OK, I know that sounds totally and utterly insane and you could be excused for thinking I have been drinking that whackadoodle kool aid, but stay with me on this... when you or someone you love is unwell, it suddenly puts everything into perspective. 

You look at things differently and you refocus and re prioritise and let go of all the small crappy inconvenient things that you normally allow to weigh you down. 

You become more mindful of your own health and wellbeing and how there are people who count on you to take care of yourself.

Most importantly - you realise that nothing and I mean NOTHING is more precious than spending time with the people you love and telling them that you love them.


Thems be rainbows there my friends.

Please don't ever let life scare you so much that you forget to look for them.

Now go and hug your people and tell them that you love them OK?!

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Leather Lusting

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Hello and happy Tuesday lovely people. 

If like me, you are harbouring a bit of a crush on all things leather lately, then I have a treat for you.

I have a whole flipping post dedicated 100% to all things leather.

Let's call it a leather love fest.

A leathery celebration. 

OK so just call it Sonia wasting time on yet another design crush.

What's a little leather lusting between friends huh?

As you will see I have clearly dedicated a little bit of time on the web lately to pinning some of my favourite leather finds. 

Sure I could have and should have been doing other things... like getting a head start on the spring cleaning, sorting out the linen cupboard and weeding the garden. 

Boring stuff.

Stab me in the eye kind of stuff.

Instead, I have been down the Pinterest rabbit hole getting all starry eyed and convincing myself I need a big leather armchair in my life.

Like an 'I will feed the family two minute noodles for a year so that I can afford that leather armchair' kind of need.

Oh the hide of me.

Sorry. VERY lame pun I know.

Just indulge me for today OK?!
Clockwise from top left:
Image source: Styled living room
Image source: Leather Mac case
Image source: Leather bedhead

 Clockwise from top left:
Image source: Leather daybed
Image source: Leather chair
Image source: Leather librarian bag
Image source: Living room

Clockwise from top left:
Image source: Leather biker jacket
Image source: Leather dining chair
Image source: leather cushion

image source

Are you the owner of a leather armchair?
What are you crushing on at the moment design wise?

Friday 14 August 2015

FOMO, Fun and a Whole Lotta Sun

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Lame post title huh?!

I know.

But hey, it's Friday and well quite frankly between you and me, I am SO diggety dang flipping happy to see Friday again and I am hoping that you are too and therefore you will totally forgive me for such lameness

This week has literally flown by faster than a bull in a milk bar and I am heading into the weekend with my fist in the air with a victorious salute.

No not really.

The truth is that I am kind of dragging my sleepy ass across the line tonight and if I wasn't for the fact that I am concerned about spilling this G&T I have next to me, then I might even even fall face first into bed and forgo my Friday night ritual of watching back to back Housewives.

But where would be the fun in that?!

Speaking of fun, this week has been full of the fun stuff for my part.

There has been birthday celebrations with special friends, the newly discovered joy of unwrapping and faffing with stunning new stock that arrives into the shop, gorgeous sunny days and maybe even a wee bit of gorging on Haighs chocolate frogs.

I reckon that's a whole lot to smile about right there.

Speaking of things to smile about, I am loving seeing all the photos on Instagram of everyone whooping it up in QLD at Problogger. Are you there at the moment too?

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't suffering from a little bit of FOMO, but all the same if you are there then I hope you are having a bloody awesome time and you have a margarita or three for me.

I can't help but notice that there is a distinctive buzz in the air at the moment and people seem ... I don't know like really happy or something.

Seriously, have you noticed that all around us people seem to be doing incredibly awesome things and acting upon dreams?

It's like the universe has filled the air with some kind of buzzy energy that is giving many of us a much needed boost of confidence, because everywhere I turn I am hearing of more people doing brave life changing things and damn I really get a kick out of that shit!

I honestly believe that confidence breeds confidence and courage breeds courage and just being around others who are brave enough to take chances or push through their fear is often just the boost you need to be a little braver yourself...

Don't you think?

Have you been inspired by someone else's bravery?
Are you standing on the edge of acting upon something you have always dreamt of doing? 
What is it? Do you need us to give you a little shove?

I'm not sure how many of you guys are around to link up this weekend given a big chunk of you are off having a fabulous time in QLD, but let's crank things up and get this party started anyway.

To play along simply link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella Loves) or Kelly's (at A Life Less Frantic ). It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Say Cheese!

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Every time I walk into the warehouse and see my gorgeous partners Kate & Tessa, I feel like I am wagging work in favour of a play date.

I’m dead set serious. I mean who gets to go to work with two of your besties every day and actually call it work?!

It seems that I do!
Brought to you by Nuffnang and Frico Cheese

Friday’s are the bomb and hands down my absolute fave day of the week as far as work goes.

We may only be in our infancy as far as businesses go but already we have some strict rules set in stone – including one where we insist on closing off the week on a high note with Friday afternoon down time and an open door policy.

Friday afternoons at the warehouse are all about letting our hair down, fare-welling the week and saying hello to friends and we encourage everyone to drop in and say hello if you happen to be in the area.

Regardless of whether you are visiting to shop or just stealing a little time out for yourself - I can guarantee that there will be good music pumping, a cup of coffee or a glass of vino waiting for you and something delectably tempting for our tums.

See what I mean?

And we call this work. Ha!

Last week the gang from Frico Cheese sent us a box of some of their finest to enjoy during our Friday afternoon session. A wooden crate full of the most insanely moorish naturally ripened Dutch cheese and semi-hard cheese that literally sent our will power scampering for the hills.

Teamed with some bread and crackers, olives and fruit, these cheeses were the perfect partner for our Friday afternoon downtime session.

Frico’s traditional Dutch cheeses are made with the highest quality nutritious fresh milk from Frisian cows by experience cheese makers who have had a LOT of experience.

I’m talking the ‘making it since 1898’ kind of experience here people.

They KNOW their cheese!

Now I have to admit I am not usually all that adventurous when it comes to cheese – I tend to always go for the same things when I am putting together a platter and I don’t usually stray far from the ones I know…  until now, because well blow me down I am now officially a cheese nomad. Playing it ‘safe’ for all this time has meant I have been missing out on trying some insanely delicious cheese including my new all time fave – the soft and creamy herb Gouda.

Did you know that us Aussies consumer about 13.5kg of cheese per year per person?

Sweet baby cheeses - that’s a lot of cheese.

I swear I must have eaten at least a quarter of my yearly quota last Friday afternoon because I could not stay away from that Gouda, the Maasam and the Chevrette Dutch goat’s milk cheese.

Yep, I had little to no willpower.

OK, so NO will power, whatever. YOU try sitting in front of a pile of cheese and showing some restraint.

If you love to cook with cheese, then definitely check outsome of these tempting recipes Frico have put together showcasing the Frico range of mild, matured & seasoned cheeses.

You can find the Frico cheese products in grocery stores all around Australia or you can pick them up here.

Don’t forget if you are in the area on a Friday afternoon, pop in and say hello to us.