Friday 27 January 2012

How NOT to make friends at a Shoe Shop.

I had to take the boys shopping for new school shoes the other day. Only 2 of my 3 are at school, so I only needed to buy 4 pairs of shoes (school shoes and sneakers each).

My heart goes out at this time of the year to big families. I thought shoes and uniforms for my lot was hard enough on the wallet - imagine having all those extra toes to cover.

I took the boys to the same shoe shop we have gone to for years. They know us there now and the kind shopkeeper once told me my middle son was "full of spirit" when he was bouncing off chairs. That was just a really nice way of saying he was being a pain in the ass, but I have been forever grateful to her for her patience and diplomacy.

The nice young shop guy was there to serve us today and he was all warm smiles and full of cheer. boys took their shoes off to be fitted.

Whoaaaaahhhhh imagine a tin of sardines left in the sun for a week and you are so not even close.
The poor young shop guy nearly fell over with the shock as the fumes hit him and the people on the bench next to us suddenly didn't need to buy shoes anymore.

I keep telling the boys they need to wear socks with their shoes to control the stench, but do you think they listen? Nope!!!

Mortified, I quickly pulled some socks out of my bag and hissed at them to put them on as quickly as possible. The nice but now completely stunned and dazed shop guy smiled me a smile that just oooooozed with gratitude and relief at the appearance of the socks and he went about his job of fitting them up.

Even Sammy seemed sedated from the smell of his own feet. It's kind of like a fart - if you think your own fart smells, then you know it's bad - same goes for feet.

I gratefully paid for the shoes and even bought the odour soles the nice young shop guy suggested. It was the least I could do after we caused a mass exodus from the store.

Today I am linking up with Maxabella for 52 weeks of Grateful, cause I am grateful for little feet to cover, and SOOOO Grateful to that nice Young Shop Guy!!