Monday 30 January 2012

Most of the time being a grown up is just awesome. I can eat cereal for dinner, or eat dessert before mains if I feel like it and I can invite friends over to play whenever I want to........

Sometimes being a grown up sucks! Being a grownup and in particular, being a parent, brings all kinds of responsibility and the days of living a selfish carefree and guilt free life seem to have vanished along with my perky boobs and dreams of white furniture.

What has caused me to be so melancholy today?? Well nothing terrible at all in comparison to what others are going through as we speak - not even in the slightest. More a hiccup that has thrown a spanner into the works.

This year Digital Parents are holding the 2012 Conference in Melbourne in March. I have had my ticket booked for months. I have been so excited at the prospect of meeting some of the gorgeous bloggers I have connected with (and hoping to meet some of the ones I have admired from a distance). I was chomping at the bit to learn, to get insights into how things really work in the blogging world, promote my blog and who am I kidding.... I was busting at the guts to get out there and just have a bloody good time.

Here's where the hiccup comes in. We have been waiting to see a specialist for my youngest son. You know one of THOSE specialists who have a waiting list a million years long. I FINALLY got a phone call late last week telling me we have an appointment to discuss the surgery he needs........ and our appointment (yup you guessed it) is on the same day as the conference.

I spent a whole night trying to work things out in my head, how can I make this work, who can I get to help out with the other kids so my hubby can take him to his appointment. I thought I had it all figured out ......... until the next morning when my little boy came in to me with silent tears running down his cheeks and heaving shoulders. His brothers in a moment of pure brilliance (please note my sarcasm here) had told him about his operation and how he was going to see the Dr soon. The result of their handy work??? One very scared little 4 year old and one very gutted mother totally overwhelmed with guilt.

I can rationalise this until the cows come home, but at the end of the day I need to be there with my little guy, to talk to the Dr, to hold his hand and help answer his questions and to make sure he is not too scared. Sure Daddy could be there and would do a brilliant job as always, but as is the case with most 4 year olds, he wants Mum too and I could never ever forgive myself if I wasn't there for him when he needed me.

This is all part of being a mum I guess, putting their needs first and sometimes not having things go the way we want. But you know what? Faced with the alternative, I really wouldn't have it any other way.

Digital Parent Conference 2012 Giveaway

So that leaves me with a spare pass to the Digital Parents Conference in March. I have spoken to the awesome Brenda from Digital Parents and she has agreed to let me pass it on to someone else to go in my place. Preferably someone who would really love to go and just couldn't quite make ends meet to afford it or could really use a helping hand to be there.

This giveaway is obviously aimed at my blogging readers. I thought long and hard how to do this and the only way I can think to select a winner would be at random, so I will be using Random Generator to select a winner.

There are no rules, just leave a comment below telling me why you want to go and how you will be forever indebted to me (totally kidding) and I will let the Random Number Generator thingy do it's thing.

Competition is open now and closes Sunday 5th Feb at 9pm.

The winner will receive one Full Conference Pass for Bloggers to DP Conference 2012 on the 30th March at The Sebel Albert Park Melbourne valued at $179.

The Winner will be announced on my blog 
and will have 48 hours to contact me to claim their prize.

Good Luck and have a bloody good time for me!




I know today was supposed to be about Wonderful Weekends, and if case you are wondering, I still had a fabulous weekend and would love to hear about yours.

So what did you get up to this weekend?

Every Monday the link opens and I would love you to share what you got up to on the weekend. Did you do something special or go somewhere? Perhaps you cooked up a storm or got all crafty and clever on me. Whatever it is share it with us and inspire us all. 
The link is open until next Sunday so you can take your time and link up any time this week.