So having officially resigned from my job (holy Crap!!) meant that I spent a good part of last week packing up my home office and returning all of the office paraphernalia, computers, faxes etc that belong to my ex employer.
Once everything was picked up and gone, I was left standing in the middle of a room that look so naked, yet at the same time so damn exciting.
Who would have thought a naked home office would totally do it for me?
Although I only renovated this room last year, I cant help but feel like it deserves a bit of a celebratory foofing. This is after all going to be the room where I hope to bring many of my dreams to life.
I have this infatuation with yellow that has been lingering for a while now.
Usually I shake colour infatuations off pretty quickly, but yellow is simply refusing to pack up and leave, and I am kinda OK with that.
Since yellow is a colour of warmth and creativity, I have decided to let it move into my office space and make itself completely at home.
This is how my office looks today.
I don't want to go completely overboard and make it look like someone has come in and spewed a big bucket of yellow paint everywhere. Maybe just some yellow fabric curtains and a few accessories to satisfy my colour crush.
Oh and since I am no longer employed, I'm going to have to do this room foofing on a very limited budget.
Geez, I'm getting all hot and flustered with excitement now - over a flipping room!
So what do you think of a yellow and Grey combo?
Have you spied any yellow fabric or office accessories that are budget friendly?