The Great Tooth Fairy Rawt | Life Love and Hiccups: The Great Tooth Fairy Rawt
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Tuesday 22 October 2013

The Great Tooth Fairy Rawt

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It is of my opinion that there needs to be some sort of union or official organisation put in place to control the rawting that has been going on of late with the Tooth Fairy Brigade.

I don't know about you guys but we are being seriously ripped off in this house.

Did you know that recently the Tooth Fairy introduced a double time policy for Sundays?

No either did I.

Apparently any teeth that are collected on a Sunday are worth double the price than they are on any other day of the week.

Cop that!

Apart from the ridiculous increase in the price of teeth, there has been some major slacking off happening with the latest breed of tooth fairies. They just aren't as reliable as they used to be and we have been forced to sack a number of them in the past year alone because they have forgotten to do the tooth pick up / cash drop thing.

You might think I am being a little too hard on our little winged friends, but this forgetting to pick up is a costly mistake on the Fairy Brigade's behalf. Costly because I end up having to pay interest. Yep you read that correctly. Every day that goes by and the tooth fairy doesn't show up, the payment goes up by a dollar.

For reals.

What happened to the usual $5 bucks for the very first tooth and $2 bucks for every tooth thereafter?

Actually don't answer that because I'm guessing those alone are exuberant rates.

To rub a little salt into the wounds, my kids know how much I cannot stand loose teeth flapping in the wind and so they refuse to help those loose teeth out by giving them the usual wiggle or tug.

Instead they choose to flaunt those wobbly teeth in front of me until my blood runs cold and I cough up some cash for the privilege of pulling that damn flappy tooth out.

This past weekend gone my hubby was out for the night and one of the boys was at a sleep over so I took the other two boys out to dinner to a pizza restaurant. Now picture this, a child with a front tooth that is literally hanging by a thread, sitting in front of me making a scene as he tries unsuccessfully to bite into a pizza.

He knew what he was doing. At the tender age of 6 this kid knows how to work me.

He kept on with his show until I couldn't stand it a moment longer and I begged of him "PLEASE let me pull that tooth out".

Simultaneously the two of them said "It will cost you ten bucks".


Bloody Hell!

Of course I coughed up the cash because I seriously could not sit there and watch him take another bite of pizza with his tooth splaying out to the side.

Worse still, it was Sunday .... double time!

Between the rapidly increasing worth of teeth (on Sundays), the frequent no shows and the varying rates between household to household, I really do think it's time someone put some sort of official legislation in place to control the obvious rawting that's going on here. Don't you agree?

How much do they pay out for a tooth in your household?
Are you on the new Double time scheme too?