Getting The Kids Outdoors and WIN With WilderQuest | Life Love and Hiccups: Getting The Kids Outdoors and WIN With WilderQuest
Life Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and Hiccups

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Getting The Kids Outdoors and WIN With WilderQuest

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This post is brought to you by WilderQuest


Anything that gets my boys outside and into the fresh air where they can run around burning off energy before finally collapsing in a totally satisfied and completely knackered heap.... well it's a winner in my book. And Bonus points if the activity results in them being asleep in the car on the way home too.

Yesterday we struck gold in the wearing out department. After a few hours exploring the bush on a National Parks WilderQuest Discovery Tour at Ku-rin-gai Chase National Park, they were spent and I was one happy mama.

When we finally made it home the kids collapsed in an exhausted heap onto the couch for a veg out and to play on the electronics.

Normally, I feel the old familiar wave of guilt begin to flow in when I see the kids playing on the iPads and laptop. Only this time I didn't - partially because I knew they had just spent hours outside exploring and so I *ahem* they deserved some quiet time, but mostly because two of them were trying out the WilderQuest interactive website on the lap top and the other one was playing with the award winning WilderQuest app on the iPad and they were actually learning stuff.

Can I just say - I LOVE educational apps, especially the ones that the kids actually enjoy too.

You can imagine my Sammy's excitement when he discovered that the main character in the WilderQuest app is actually called Ranger Sam.

Seriously! And now he no longer wants to be a Farmer's Sister - he wants to be a ranger.

With the namesake being the final clincher he was hooked, they ALL were hooked and spent the next hour with Ranger Sam exploring the coastline and bush and earning points in games to build a virtual cubby house ... without even getting off the couch.

They would have kept playing and I would have LET them all keep playing if they hadn't all fallen asleep....

The app is officially a chicken dinner winner from both my kids AND the hubby and I.

WilderQuest Events and tours run throughout the school holidays as well as throughout the year.

You can find out more details on the where and whens at the National Parks website here and stay up to date on the WilderQuest Facebook page too.

To help your budding adventurers be totally prepared for all the exploring, WilderQuest have put together a fabulous pack of goodies for someone to win. The prize pack includes a Picnic Rug, Binoculars, and Cooler Picnic set from Kathmandu, a Wahu mega Beach Pack from Anaconda, and a WilderQuest Kids backpack full of WilderQuest merchandise.

The total prize value is $290.00.

To enter, just follow the prompts in the RaffleCopter Widget below.
The Giveaway is open now and closes 7pm 15/10/13 AEST

Good Luck and enjoy your knackered kids ... I mean happy kids :)

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