A Vancouver Warehouse Loft Conversion | Life Love and Hiccups: A Vancouver Warehouse Loft Conversion
Life Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and Hiccups

Thursday 10 September 2015

A Vancouver Warehouse Loft Conversion

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In my next lifetime I am so going to live in a converted warehouse or loft apartment. 

Preferably somewhere like New York or some place with an equally cool vibe about it and loads of cafes and restaurants at the doorstep and ahhh did I mention in my next lifetime I am also going to be disgustingly loaded?

Yep, that too!

Sadly, these kinds of places are pretty much a rare find in the burbs or by the beaches where I live, but no worry beef curry - that doesn't mean we suburbanites can't dream right?

Errr right.

This gorgeous apartment I stumbled up when I disappeared down the internet Rabbit Hole the other night is in Vancouver and was designed by studio Omer Arbel Office in Vancouver

It is a restoration of a heritage building in Vancouver's historic gastown district and it just oozes coolness from every brick.

The concrete floors, high ceilings, exposed brick and beams and the sheer expanse where you could swing a whole litter of cats - I love it all...

Except for the glass wall in the bedroom ensuite... that I'm not so sure about because ewwww, there are some things you just can't unsee if you know what I mean?!

Whatever, beggars can't be choosers and all that.

Drool your way through at this incredible warehouse loft conversion, and oh yeah - if you happen to live in one like this already, then ummm we are available for house-sitting... you know, just saying!

What sort of house would you pick to live in in your next lifetime if you had free reign?
Can you see yourself lounging about in this gorgeous place?

All images sourced from here