Postcards From Bali 1 - #LLHDoesBALI | Life Love and Hiccups: Postcards From Bali 1 - #LLHDoesBALI
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Tuesday 4 June 2013

Postcards From Bali 1 - #LLHDoesBALI

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We are here in Nusa Dua Bali and having an absolute blast already.

Who knew Running Away could be so much fun?

So far I have managed to learn the hard way NOT to make eye contact with the porters at the airport when you arrive - we had no less than 7 men carrying our 5 pieces of luggage. Yes 2 were actually sharing bags to carry.

Then of course I felt sorry for them as they obviously have families to feed (hence the eagerness to earn some coin and carry our bags) and so I started handing out Rupiah to each of them, which then attracted even more to us. All the while we were being thrown looks from other travelers that I'm pretty positive implied "hahaha Bali amateurs".

Meanwhile the boys were being swarmed by people wanting to touch their hair and the look on the kids surprised faces was priceless.

The trip out to Nusa Dua was interesting to say the least. I white knuckled it most of the way PRAYING we didn't clean up an motor cyclists and I'm pretty sure I said some sort of confused version of the Hail Mary at LEAST 50 times during that drive.

The kids are having a ball and Flynn (bless his 6 year old heart) is running around squealing "Holy Joly Christmas Nuts" at all the things that excites him .. which is pretty much everything and anything.

Sammy is being his usual entertaining self by walking around with a permanent pucker and saying "Kiss me Ketut" to anyone that will listen, whilst Kai is focusing on mastering the language by the time we leave so he can impress the girls back home.

I may have added the last bit about impressing the girls and I may also have one very cranky 12 year old if and when he ever reads that.

Carl and I, well we are busy acclimatizing and making sure we stay hydrated with plenty of fluids ... the kind that come with pineapple wedges, lime slices and little cocktail umbrellas.

Hey when in Rome .. or Bali.

Anyways I just wanted to pop in quickly to say hi and I hope you have enjoyed the Dare to Dream posts from Tessa and Mel. There are still more fabulous guest posters to come, so stay tuned.

Selamat tinggal - Later Dudes!

Have you got any other tips for these Bali novices?
Have you been? If you have - What places or activities do we HAVE to see or do?