So the school holidays have officially begun here in NSW and as is the usual way right at the beginning of the holidays, I am super excited at the prospect of no packed lunches, no homework and no stressy mornings.
Give me a week of arguments and kid's dying of boredom and that will most likely change.
I have stocked up on the coping cordial (special shout out to all the school mums I ran into at Dan Murphy's), I have semi stocked the pantry (Not that I really believe it will last long) and I am ready for the holidays to begin.
I have had a big old dose of the working Mother Guilt's lately. It's not that I haven't been doing stuff with the kids, cause I have. It's just that when you work for yourself and you take time off to do things at school or sport etc, you need to make up those hours right? And those hours are typically stolen back from the evenings.
Last night I sat in bed on my laptop working on some worky stuff when my youngest son came in to see me.
"Hi Mum" he said as he climbed up onto the bed to snuggle with me.
"Hi mate" I replied as I continued typing up an email
"Whatcha doing?" he asked
"Just working sweetheart" I said as I pulled him in for a cuddle.
"Why are you always working Mum?" he asked with a side of big fat guilt
"Well because I spent all day with you at school today and I still need to get my work done" I explained. "Did you like having me at school with you?" I asked to change the subject and totally expecting an ego stroking.
He looked at me and smiled his big goofy grin and said "Yeahhh it was good, It was like having the whole school at our house and you get to boss them around for a while instead of me".
Okey Dokey Artichokey. It wasn't exactly the ego boost I was hoping for but I am sure deep down somewhere in his remark was an I love you Mummy oh best mummy in the world. Somewhere... deep... deep...
I don't resent his remark about my working. I mean how can I when it's true. But I do need to address the balance somehow.
So whilst I still need to work in the holidays and I am planning on a whole lot of cuddles, movie nights and hot chockies with the boys Leisurely mornings at the park and the coffee shop and afternoon craft and knitting sessions. I'll just need to hide in my bedroom at night with the laptop and a pack of gummie bears and get some work done when they are asleep.
Do you suffer from working mother's guilt?
How do you appease your guilt?
Don't forget to join in the linky party and link up your favourite post from the week.
Link up your favourite post from the past week and then pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella), Sonia's blog (Sonia Styling) or Kelly's at A Life Less Frantic.
It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.