Saturday I was lucky enough to spend the day at Angie Baxter's Love Your Camera Workshop. Man this gal is one talented chick. Not only is she an incredible photographer and an inspiring and patient teacher, she is also just a totally chilled out genuine gorgeous woman.
Angie is a mum of 3 and is a family portrait photographer. She specialises in baby photography, child photography and family photography in Melbourne. Angie also runs Love Your Camera workshops around Australia, so she is available for family photography sessions, in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth.
I was stoked to have my buddy Gemma from My Big Nutshell attend the course with me and we seriously had a hoot. I lost count of how many times I came close to peeing my pants and couldn't breathe from laughing so friggin hard. She is so hilarious, complete nutty like her blog name and so..much.. FUN!
Angie taught us everything we needed to know to switch the camera off from auto permanently and by the end of the day we were clicking up a confident manual frenzy. We learnt about the different buttons on our cameras and what they actually do and how they affect our photos, and we were educated in Light, Focusing, Composition and portrait Posing. Before this weekend I had all the gear but no idea, now I feel confident enough to get out there with my beloved camera and start some serious snapping.
After each theory module (which is so not boring or confusing like theory at school was) we were sent out into the wilderness to shoot our subjects and practise our new skills.
Well let me tell you my subject was one hot spunk...none other than the Crazy Gemma herself. Poor Angie was forever searching for us as we got a little carried away with our practise shoots and we frequently disappeared off into Parramatta Park to search for the "Ultimate location'. We were hanging off bridges, scaling hills and lurking around corners, all in the name of Art. We acted all emo like and broody and then at times we channeled our inner Austin Powers. I am not exaggerating when I tell you we spent most of our time cacking ourselves.
Below are my first educated photos. I'm a little nervous sharing them with you - so please go easy on me. As I mentioned before, the gorgeous chick in the photos is Gemma from My Big Nutshell and over on her blog she is showcasing her pictures from the day that she took of me.
Before we were unleashed and allowed to photograph real people, we practised the basics we had learnt by photographing this cute little quacker.
I won't bore you with all the random photos I took of my little rubber friends because in no time at all we graduated and were given an unrestricted license to shoot each other. Let's move straight on to my photos of the hot chick Gemma.
Honestly, this was one of the most amazing things I have ever done and I would strongly recommend you check out when Angie's next Workshop is taking place in your state, and book yourself a spot. The knowledge you will gain in one day is priceless and the fun you will have will stay with you forever.
Thank you so much Angie - you are one fantabulous Teacher! And thanks also to Gemma - you were one crazy, gorgeous but totally awesome muse.
So what did you get up to this weekend?
Every Monday the link opens and I would love you to share what you
got up to on the weekend. Did you do something special or go
Perhaps you cooked up a storm or got all crafty and clever on
Whatever it is share it with us and inspire us all.
The link is open until next Friday so you can take your time and link up any time this week.