For my Enjoyment and Your Safety | Life Love and Hiccups: For my Enjoyment and Your Safety
Life Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and Hiccups

Wednesday 1 August 2012

For my Enjoyment and Your Safety

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I love my coffee, it wakes me up, keeps me going and keeps everyone around me safe ..... from me.
I am only kinda kidding when I say that. I'm really not a morning person. At all. Not even in the slightest.

I would love to be, and I have these romantic images in my head of me rising before the sun, sipping on a coffee in the quiet house before rounding up the dogs for a leisurely stroll along the beach as we watch the sun peek up above the water.

Oh crap - who am I kidding? That is so not going to happen. I know this, my kids know this and my hubby most definitely knows this and that is why he carefully wakes me in the mornings by wafting a cup of coffee under my nose. He's very kind like that. Or very smart. I haven't quite figured it out yet.

My first cuppa is devoured before I mutter a word to anyone. I do say thanks to my hubby, you know just in case you were wondering. But it is less of the verbal kind and more of the telepathic message via the eyes kind of thanks. Either that or a grateful grunt.

The one thing I hate though is my coffee going cold. You know what its like. You make yourself a nice hot cuppa and it sits on the table whilst you race around like a headless chook organising children and pets etc. You may do what I used to do which is heat it up numerous times in the microwave before you finally admit defeat and tip the curdled mess down the drain and turn the kettle back on for a repeat performance.

Simple solution to all this - Drink your morning cuppa out of a thermal mug. Make sure you pre heat your mug by sitting hot water in it first, then tip it out before you put your coffee in. Man you can now put that baby down and leave it for donkeys and it is still nice and hot when you eventually get back to it.

Slap me silly and call me Billy - have I just solved the problems of the western world or what? Or not.... what ever.

At least I have a nice hot coffee and the world is a little safer when that cuppa is in my hand.

Are you a coffee or a tea kind of gal?
Are you one of the happy morning sparrows I aspire to be like or more like the don't talk to me before 9am kind of grunter (like me)?