Lame post title huh?!
I know.
But hey, it's Friday and well quite frankly between you and me, I am SO diggety dang flipping happy to see Friday again and I am hoping that you are too and therefore you will totally forgive me for such lameness
This week has literally flown by faster than a bull in a milk bar and I am heading into the weekend with my fist in the air with a victorious salute.
No not really.
The truth is that I am kind of dragging my sleepy ass across the line tonight and if I wasn't for the fact that I am concerned about spilling this G&T I have next to me, then I might even even fall face first into bed and forgo my Friday night ritual of watching back to back Housewives.
But where would be the fun in that?!
Speaking of fun, this week has been full of the fun stuff for my part.
There has been birthday celebrations with special friends, the newly discovered joy of unwrapping and faffing with stunning new stock that arrives into the shop, gorgeous sunny days and maybe even a wee bit of gorging on Haighs chocolate frogs.
I reckon that's a whole lot to smile about right there.
Speaking of things to smile about, I am loving seeing all the photos on Instagram of everyone whooping it up in QLD at Problogger. Are you there at the moment too?
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't suffering from a little bit of FOMO, but all the same if you are there then I hope you are having a bloody awesome time and you have a margarita or three for me.
I can't help but notice that there is a distinctive buzz in the air at the moment and people seem ... I don't know like really happy or something.
Seriously, have you noticed that all around us people seem to be doing incredibly awesome things and acting upon dreams?
It's like the universe has filled the air with some kind of buzzy energy that is giving many of us a much needed boost of confidence, because everywhere I turn I am hearing of more people doing brave life changing things and damn I really get a kick out of that shit!
I honestly believe that confidence breeds confidence and courage breeds courage and just being around others who are brave enough to take chances or push through their fear is often just the boost you need to be a little braver yourself...
Don't you think?
Have you been inspired by someone else's bravery?
Are you standing on the edge of acting upon something you have always dreamt of doing?
What is it? Do you need us to give you a little shove?
I'm not sure how many of you guys are around to link up this weekend given a big chunk of you are off having a fabulous time in QLD, but let's crank things up and get this party started anyway.
To play along simply link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella Loves) or Kelly's (at A Life Less Frantic ). It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.