Screw You Guilt! You're Dropped! | Life Love and Hiccups: Screw You Guilt! You're Dropped!
Life Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and Hiccups

Friday 28 August 2015

Screw You Guilt! You're Dropped!

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*Sighhhh* I had big plans this week to dive back into this little ole blog of mine with a vengeance.

I was going to get back into my regular bloggy routine, blog more regularly, visit all those lovely blogs that are sitting there in my Bloglovin feed saying 'read me read me' and I was going to pick up my camera and start capturing photos of every day life again.

That's not the only thing I was going to do this week.


In any spare time I had I was dead set going to start an exercise regime, clean out the craft cupboard, wash all the curtains and get a head start on the Spring cleaning.

I was also planning on learning to mediate... like properly meditate... as in go to a class and learn how to mediate without an iPhone app with some super cheesy voice telling me what to do.

But then we had a crochet workshop at the warehouse, and I picked up a crochet hook for the first time in over a year.

It didn't take me long to remember why I had a big dose of RSI and in my right thumb last year... because I love crocheting and with no upfront intentions of segueing to a really bad pun - once I start I am 'hooked'.

I consider crochet to be similar to a really good book that you can't put down until the very last page, or discovering a series on Netflix that you cant stop watching until you have lost a week and used up all your internet for the month.

I just can't stop.

Dinner can wait, the washing can go jump, and as for the kids... well if their screaming at each other gets totally out of control and turns into like proper war with real tears and all that, then of course I would stop and attend to them... I think.

Then again...

My oldest son introduced me to Falling Skies recently. In case you have never heard of it, it's a really 'out there' sci fi series about aliens taking over earth and that dude from Party of Five is the main actor, (remember that show?)

Of course he's all grown up now and on this show he has three boys (like us) and is fighting to save the world from aliens (not like us). Considering he has to kill a lot of aliens in his average day, I felt it was only right that I gave my full support and saw him through as many episodes (ahem seasons) as I possibly could.

Of course usually I would feel incredibly guilty about wasting so much time on aliens and crochet.

Usually I would go to bed at night and beat myself up about what I didn't do that I had promised myself I would do, and I would curse myself for not tackling all those things that are sitting on my pretty little Kikki K to do list.

But this week I decided it's time that guilt and I break up. For a while anyways.

I gave myself permission to zone out from reality and all the crazy shitty stuff that is going on at the moment and not only do I feel the familiar ting of RSI return to my thumb, I also managed to smash over season 3, 4 AND 5 of Falling Skies on Netflix and I didn't even feel one iota of guilt about any of it.

I'll dive back into the blog next week.

I'll take some photos tomorrow when I go for a walk.

I've got three whole months of Spring to worry about sorting the housey stuff out and I'll get around to washing the curtains... maybe... when the RSI wears off.

In the meantime I say "Screw you guilt! Consider yourself dropped!"

Do you still date guilt or have you mastered the break up?
What would you waste hours on if you could do it totally guilt free?

I'm back into Weekend Rewind this week because let's face it, I would suffer FOMO if I missed out for another week.

This week's fabulous guest hostie is Amy from HandbagMafia.

Image Map

To play along simply link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella Loves) or Kelly's (at A Life Less Frantic ). It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.