Can you really believe what a week it has been in this sorry state of a world of ours?
What with the tragic earthquake and devastation in Nepal, the Balinese executions, further terror plots exposed and not to mention all the other atrocities that took place and continue to take place every single day that don't make the front page of the news.
I've watched a whole lot go down this past week as emotions have soared through the roof.
Both on and offline, opinions have been shouted, insults and accusations have flown and all I could really hear was a whole lotta noise... and oh trust me there has been plenty of noise coming from me too.
Some excellent points have been made this week about how loudly we Aussies have shouted about the executions of two Australian men in Bali - two men who knowingly broke the law and faced the devastating consequences - but elsewhere in the world so many other unspeakable crimes are taking place that need us to shout about too.
Whole villages are being slaughtered, families torn apart by war and women being stoned to death for what can't even be classed as mild misdemeanors, and yet so many of our loudest voices remain silent about these plights.
Is the silence because we are scared to speak out in case of retaliation?
Is it because we fear our opinion doesn't matter or will possibly be ridiculed?
Are we afraid of offending or being offended?
Or is the silence caused by ignorance or even denial that these things are happening?
Maybe it is not so much a case of being silent but more the fact that there are so many of us shouting aimlessly and no one is really heard or understood.
I don't know, but imagine if we stopped shouting at each other, over each other and about each other and instead used our volume to amplify the quieter plights taking place in our world.
Surely we could be more powerful shouting together?
Food for thought.
The other thing that made me incredibly sad this week was a whole lot of unnecessary anger that was directed towards an incredible charity.
There were major disagreements playing out publicly over differing points of view and egos were clearly being trampled in the process.
What we sometimes forget in our rush to throw our opinions into the ring and insistence that we are right or that we have been wronged is that - not everything is about us.
It is a sad day when a platform for a charity is used as an arena for a battle of wills and the actual cause itself gets completely overlooked as the chaos and anger become the main attraction.
I've learnt a lot from this week and I have learnt that I have so much more to learn.
I have been forced into conversations with my children that I feel they are far too young to have and I have been forced into questioning my own beliefs about what is right and wrong.
I still stand firm in my opinion that NO life should be taken at the hands of another and I still and will forever more #StandForMercy, but...
I have also been reminded that empathy without action is a wasted emotion, and words without wings are nothing but noise.
WE need to be the change this world so badly needs and we need to make that change in the best way that we can.... starting with the acceptance of each other and each other's opinions.
Anyways... no shiny happy links from me today sorry people, I'm just not feeling it.
But here's to a fresh new month and moving forward. As for the month of April, I have nothing but a middle finger salute because holy shitballs April - you really sucked.
Have a peaceful weekend you guys. Be kind to each other.
This week's Weekend Rewind's guest host is none other than the gorgeous Vanessa from Style and Shenanigans who is a fellow mum of 3 boys, a total sweetheart and super stylish to boot.
Link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella Loves), or Kelly's at A Life Less Frantic. It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.