We didn't SEE that one coming !!! | Life Love and Hiccups: We didn't SEE that one coming !!!
Life Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and HiccupsLife Love and Hiccups

Friday 9 September 2011

We didn't SEE that one coming !!!

Pin It OK so pardon the pun of the title but this week I had a little reminder of why you shouldn't drop your daks and panic when you get one of THOSE letters from Kindy.

When I refer to THOSE letters I mean the ones you get sent home after your child has had one of the Government provided routine screening tests. They do them generally, for hearing, speech and eyesight.

In our case this time it was the Statewide Eyesight Preschooler Screening that sent us a letter home to tell us that our little 4 year old's eye test results were really concerning and we need to have him reassessed as soon as possible.

Now unfortunately my little boy has inherited his mother's talent for being incredibly clumsy. Every day welcomes a new injury for him, from a mild bruise, to a mild concussion, stubbed toe to dislocated toes. He knows all the tricks. So me being me, immediately went into panic mode and in my mind started thinking about what we would call his cute little "Blind Dog" Puppy.  I know I know - I never said I was rational!!!!

The day I received the letter, I booked him in for an URGENT appointment with the GP (if only we had Frequent Flyers points with our GP), got the referral to a specialist and within days he was seen by a fantastic Optometrist.

The outcome you ask? Let's put it this way, I have stopped looking online for the Guide Dogs Association details. His eyesight is perfect.

The Optometrist told us that it is very common for kids to get worrying results from these kinds of tests. The test themselves take place at Kindy in an environment FULL of distractions. And some days - the kids just do not feel like co-operating and this can lead to skewed results.

As for his clumsiness?? He is 4 years old. He has much more interesting things to focus on other than looking where he is going.

So the moral of the story is don't panic. I should have learnt this from the time I took my relatively short 6 year old to our GP as I was concerned he may have dwarfism. You may laugh, but any mother knows that fears for your children tend to be overly dramatic. Or maybe that's just me???

Anyway - I thought he looked kind of cute in glasses.

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