The one where I manhandled Brad Pitt During a Fun Family Outing. | Life Love and Hiccups: The one where I manhandled Brad Pitt During a Fun Family Outing.
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Thursday 17 January 2013

The one where I manhandled Brad Pitt During a Fun Family Outing.

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I hate to say it but I would rather beat my head repeatedly against the wall in time to ACDC than listen to my kids ask me one more time "What are we doing today?". 

I know you get it right, you feel my pain don't you? Cause there is a good chance that like me, you are subjected to the same routine from your kids EVERY-SINGLE-DAY of the school holidays.

We could be sitting down to breakfast with the Queen and they would with mouths full, be asking the same bloody question.

We haven't done much in the way of outings these holidays. After overdoing it last holidays, and sending them back to school exhausted, we decided to take a more simple approach this time. We just hung around locally participating in good old fashioned neighbourhood activities like Knock and Run and Garbage Bin switcheroo. 

I'm joking! It wasnt us.

The kids havent been short of fun, I havent totally deprived them. They have been to the beach, caught up with friends and played out on the street with the neighbour's kids. When it comes to the crunch my boys are perfectly skilled at making their own fun. Heck they can totally make a maggot autopsy fun, but it was nice to have a bit of a surprise day out stashed up my sleeve.

We were invited to Wild Life Sydney Zoo to check out the newest additions to the zoo family - Oreo and Big John, some very cute Tassie devils.

I will be honest with you, despite being a lifelong Sydneysider I have NEVER been to this place before and I was kinda expecting some sort of little animal petting farm.

But man that place is huge, and when you are in there you would never believe you are smack bang in the middle of Darling Harbour.

Along with my mum, some other gorgeous blog buddies and their offspring, my kids were treated to an up close encounter in an Adventure time show with some of the gorgeous residents.

I fell in love with Meg the baby wombat. She was a massive sloth, a woman after my own heart.

The kids also got to meet Finn and Jake from Cartoon Network. Again I am ashamed to say I had no idea who these strange creatures were, but judging by the blood curdling squeals and the way they nearly knocked those oversized cartoon characters off their feet, my kids were very familiar with them.

We also paid a visit to Madame Tussauds which is very conveniently located right next door.

Now to say I had me some fun and got up to mischief here would be a gross understatement.

I ran from one character to the next screaming at the kids to catch up to me. My mum was suitably humiliated as I behaved like a ten year old posing with all the different displays and screeching "take a picture of me, take another picture of me". I may have manhandled Brad Pitt a little too crudely for my mothers liking.

The kids, not to be outdone by their mother had a fabulous time making spectacles of themselves too. That place is a serious hoot and far more interactive then I ever expected.

If you are in Sydney and want to have a break from the "What are we doing today?" routine, completely wear your kids out and do a little Brad Pitt manhandling for yourself, I would totally recommend paying either of these places a visit.

Finn and Jake are only at Wildlife Sydney Zoo until the 19th January and you can catch them between 10am -1pm. The Adventure time shows will occur twice a day right through the school holidays.

You can get a family combo pass online for $153 bucks and that will give you entry to both Wildlife Sydney Zoo and Madame Tussauds. You can find out more info on the combo passes here.

We were guests of Merlin Entertainments and I was not paid to post about our day out. All opinions are my own and I take full responsibility for my  immature behaviour. As for molesting Brad Pitt, I plead not guilty on the grounds of insanity - school holidays do that to you!