I had so much fun sharing with you guys last week some of the zillion and one blogs I have in my reader and I shared some of blogs in my Morning Cuppa Reads folder.
Yes I categorize my reader, because that is what anal retentive blog readers do.
By the way, last time I mentioned I read my blogs in a reader called Feedly. Well since last week I changed my mind and I am now using Bloglovin.
Hey I'm a Gemini - we do that!
If you would like to follow Life Love and Hiccups on Bloglovin just click here or on the picture below.
Today I have picked some blogs from my Inspiring Women folder. These blogs are written by the most incredible women who inspire me as a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend and just generally as a woman.
Earlier this week in The Blog School over at Village voices, Pip talked about saying thank you to the blogs you enjoy by linking them on your own blog. It's a way to show gratitude for the enjoyment you get from their efforts and it is a way for us to share with the world those who inspire us.
That touched a spot with me and by me putting together this Blog Roll, it is a way I can say thank you to those who inspire me.
As per last time I will list the blogs I have featured on my sidebar, so if you don't have a spare hour or ten to read through them all now - you can come back later and find the links.
Alright enough stuffing around. I present to you just some of the blogs in my Inspiring Women Folder.
I am officially a self proclaimed BLOG JUNKIE and there are so many incredibly inspiring woman in the blogosphere that I would need to dedicate a years full of posts to name them all.
But I hope you get to discover a few new gems you have yet to come across for yourself from my list.
Keep your eye out next week for the next category in my reader and yet more fabulous blogs.
Any other inspiring woman I should know about?
I'm sure you have a list a mile long too!