Would You Be Tempted To Snoop? | Life Love and Hiccups: Would You Be Tempted To Snoop?
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Friday 19 June 2015

Would You Be Tempted To Snoop?

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When I was a teenager, my best friend and I kept a journal together. I guess you could call it a kind of old fashioned burn book where we would glue pictures and write 'stuff' about people and our crushes etc.

I would have died if that journal found it's way into anyone's hands, so much so that I remember burning it on bonfire night not long before my 18th birthday.

I have often wondered whether I would have been able to resist a good snoop if I were my mum and had stumbled across the journal. I mean... it would be kind of hard to resist don't you think?

Had my mum read something that could have hinted at some of the not so great decisions I may have been making, could she have convinced me to rethink them if she had asked me about it?

Or would I have just been super pissed off at the breach of privacy and never trusted her again?

I know one of my little boys keeps a diary... well its more of a scrapbook that he writes things in every now and then, things like "my brother is a poo head". He leaves it open on his desk - presumably for the poo head to read, but I don't think there is really anything that he is writing at the age of 8 that is worth snooping about.

I am going to confess though, I have been known to take a peak at my oldest son's phone every now and then and have a bit of a nosey through the photos and the messages too.

That being said, now he has turned 14, I am loathe to do it. Obviously he has a right to his privacy and truth be told I'm not sure I really want to know everything about my son... if you know what I mean.

It got me thinking though - should we know what is going on in our kid's private lives?

Should we be having a little snoop at their phones and or their journals when they are younger to keep tabs on them?

Would it help us to course correct if we see something going wrong with them before anything goes awry or is it a complete breach of trust?

My conscience says no, I shouldn't look... but then my mother heart says oh geez I don't really know... and so I am kind of torn.

What do you think?

Would you read your child's journal if you found it in their room?

What about their phone? Would you look through it?

No judging here - just curious to the different points of view.

Alright, let's get our party on for the Weekend Rewind and this weeks guest host is the fabulous Zoe from a Quirky Bird

Zoe's gorgeous personality shines through in her gorgeous blog and it was this statement on her about me page that sealed that deal for me; "I love shopping, which is hard when you’re on one income. Sooooo I’ve become slightly obsessed with bargain hunting, ebaying and thrifting clothes and home decor."

Yep she is a gal after my own heart.

Link up your favourite post from the past week and then if you get a chance, pop around and say hello to some of the other lovely linkers. The Weekend Rewind blog hopping party starts every Friday night at 8pm and links will close on Sunday night at midnight. Link up here or over on Bron's blog (Maxabella Loves) or Kelly's (at A Life Less Frantic ). It does not matter where you link as your link will show up in all 4 places.

Have a brilliant weekend you guys and stay warm.